Trimax Took A Puck Lock Masterclass…

[1475] Trimax Took A Puck Lock Masterclass…

Trimax Took A Puck Lock Masterclass…

This Is The Lock Picking Lawyer and it can be really frustrating to watch. Lock makers. Repeat the mistakes of others, for instance, it seems that Trimax took a class from Master Lock, a master class. If you will before designing the THP Excel Puck lock, you see I’ve been complaining for close to two years now about master Puck, Lock’s vulnerability to comb attacks with the six pin comb on my covert companion. I can open this almost as fast as if I had the key.

Unfortunately, Trimax made the exact same mistake on the THP XL, which is really inexcusable on a higher security lock. Just to make sure this wasn’t a fluke, I bought another one of the locks. Unfortunately, all it showed was that the problem is widespread. Okay, folks, this is an exploit that Security Professionals have known about since at least the 1930s. So this vulnerability in 2022 is really inexcusable.

In any case, that’s all I have for you today. If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below. If you like this video and would like to see more like it, please subscribe and as always have a nice day. Thank you.


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