Catan Junior: Emily Anderson, Brett Baligad, and Adam Chernick join Wil Wheaton on TableTop S03E03

Catan Junior: Emily Anderson, Brett Baligad, and Adam Chernick join Wil Wheaton on TableTop S03E03

Catan Junior: Emily Anderson, Brett Baligad, and Adam Chernick join Wil Wheaton on TableTop

When Felicia and I created Tabletop, neither one of us imagined that we were making a show that families would watch together. In fact, when we were editing our first few episodes, I was strongly against bleeping out the naughty words. This isn’t a show for kids. I said Kids are never going to watch. This show Smarter people than me prevailed.

And we ended up with something that is mostly PG-13, even if I occasionally push us into NC-17 territory, when I have an 80 percent chance to roll what I need on a fist full of dice, I need to roll a six one time. I’M grateful that the people I work with here at Geek and Sundry encouraged me to keep the show as family friendly as possible because since Tabletop premiered, I have heard from and met thousands of people from all over the world who watch our show with their kids And who credit Tabletop with bringing their family closer together? I cannot tell you how happy this makes me as a creator, but especially as a father.

So today, on Tabletop we’re going to feature a wonderful game that is specifically designed to be played with your kids.
But it is so well designed, it doesn’t feel like you’re playing a kid’s game And I’m going to play it with real live.

Actual human kids. Emily Anderson, Brett, Baligad and Adam Churnik are here And we are going to explore the legendary island of Catan in a whole new way in Catan Junior (, Tabletop, music, ) Catan Junior is a pirate themed reworking of the original Settlers of Catan, designed by Klaus, Teuber And developed by his sons, Benjamin and Guido Teuber
Settlers of Catan is to my generation of board gamers what Monopoly was to our parents. Tabletop games create a powerful shared bonding experience that is so great for bringing families together And hopefully, you’ll pass on our love of board games to the kids in your life.

But before they’re ready for regular Catan, let’s start them out with Catan Junior Alright. So we know that the island of Catan was settled by colonists way back in AD 1995
What you might not know is that in the later years it fell to a pretty terrible wave of piracy, So instead of playing farmers and builders in Catan, today we be pirates.

Yarrrgh Parents pirates are awesome, I’m sure your kids will tell you all about it.
When you’re, looking at the Junior board, you’re going to see the familiar hexes and crossroads that you remember from Catan Prime, And we’re also going to roll a die to generate resources, The first change you’ll notice is that the resources are much cooler.

Gold, cutlasses and goats. Tell me you haven’t watched those Youtube videos of baby goats bouncing around with their tiny little legs.
It’S so adorable, So we generate resources and then we use them to build pirate ships.

Pirate lairs and pirate parrots, Unlike regular Catan ships and lairs, are built in an alternating fashion, So you go lair ship, lair, ship and so on, Just like in regular Catan. Sometimes you won’t have enough stuff to build the things you want.
So you’re going to have to trade, The robber is still in the game And he’s still a jerk

We call him a ghost pirate. We roll and build and trade until one of the players has all their lairs out on the board.
Who will raise their pirate flag over spooky island And who’s gon na get thrown overboard?

Let’S find out in a very special kid’s edition of Catan Junior, My name is Brett Baligad and I’m nine years old I play Monopoly. I play Uno
I play Pokemon, My name is Adam Chernick and I am nine years old. I really wan na. Like usening and law enforcement. I mean I might be a good financial planner, but I don’t really know if that’s my job.

My name is Emily. Anderson.
I’M nine years old,

I play board games with my mom when she’s not doing housework, And I also play board games with my brother. If he’s not fighting with me. Alright, this is Catan Junior And the first player in Catan Junior is the youngest player at the table.

Who I’m very confident is not me.
So, let’s see Adam, how old are you Nine And Emily? How old are you Nine And Brett? How old are you
Nine Huh, well that makes things interesting. What month were you born in August?

What month were you born in
February, What month were you born in March? I have never had to do a month countdown to determine who the youngest player is. Usually it’s just oh you’re a year younger than me,
So this is an interesting experience. Adam. You will go first Yay Here you go.

Here’S the die There. You go so you rolled a six
So that means you Adam get to place the ghost pirate, wherever you want. I wan na block you, so I will put her over there Alright. So you get two goats, Two adorable goats. Here you go.

When do I there get now
Okay, Fur You’re gon na trade, wood for gold; Okay, you got that over there, Then I’m gon na trade, two golds for a sword.
When you trade to the market, you go one for one, And you can only do that one time This tends to be a real, efficient trade Or you can trade a pair to the box for whatever resource you want, And you can do that any number of Times on a turn,

That is a great trade Adam. I think I know what you’re doing I will get a parrot. Alright, I want gold, molasses and swords because that equals parrots, and I want parrots
So here you go, I’m gon na hand, you three, Which one do you want. He takes the middle one.

What did you get?
A house Alright cool, So first you need to put a ship down. Then you can put a house down. Well, I wan na get the gold, so I can make more things.
Yeah sure so you wan na put a house here.

I will go there, so I can get gold Great And right now you have three things Plus you have the most parrots
So you get to put a house on spooky island Wow what a good turn for you! Alright, Emily you’re up! That’S a five

So, let’s see what happens with the five
It looks like oh no, This one doesn’t get anything, But you there you go Wow things are really working out. Everything’S coming up Adam. So far,
Alright, what would you like to do Emily?

Can I trade my molasses for a goat, Yeah for sure Molasses, for an adorable goat? I think baby goats are pretty cute.
Unless they kick you, And can I make a ship? Yes, you certainly can So there’s a goat and wood And you’ve got a ship there.
Alright good move, Yeah.

Everybody knows that the goats of Catan are shipbuilders. It’S been that way since the dawn of time. Alright, I think it’s my turn. No I’ve never heard of a Will Wheaton, but my dad, like talks about Star Trek and stuff
When I was a kid, I was on a TV show called Star Trek, the Next Generation And they make a Star Trek, the Next Generation Monopoly game And there’s a little figure in the game that looks just like me.

It’S the character I play, I don’t know if you saw Star Trek.

It’S from before you guys were born. What’S Star Trek? Yes, I called it Alright. So there will be gold, but there’s nobody. There.

I get wood, so that’s kinda cool! I get wood too. You get two woods because you have a house there and you have a house there. There you go. There’S your two woods.

So, let’s see
I think I wan na trade a wood for a sword, You’re trying steal my stops, Maybe a little bit. I know I might be thinking about getting a parrot. I think parrots they’re, probably one of the powerfulest things in Catan Junior
‘Cause you could get like castle or like a ship Or you can get some more supplies. I do wan na get parrots, but I don’t wan na get too much parrots that I’m just wasting too much resources. A two And a two is gon na get blue, gets a molasses
Yellow gets a molasses, That’s okay!

For me, that’s fine Red gets wood And I think that’s it. Oh no white gets a goat.
Alright, and would you like to make any trades, I don’t think there’s anything I can do so I’ll. Just wait. It’S good to wait in the game is because you could save up resources and eventually, when you need to use them, because you already have them, it would be a good time to use them.

Alright Adam go ahead. Yeah. I really wan na win.
That’S a five Wow, that’s more gold for you again. What would you like to do?

Would you like to make some trades? I will trade this for a sword.
A sword here you go, Be careful, don’t cut yourself. I will make a parrot Great. You can take one of these parrot tiles, Which one are you feeling good about.

I got another house: Are you serious, Slash, ship, Alright, okay, I feel good about putting a ship there.

Okay, going this way or this way, If you want double resources, you probably want to go that way. Right, ?’Cause you wan na get towards there. Okay, alright, Please do not get a parrot
I got a five Another five Wait, so I get more gold.

Oh man, that’s so much gold. I think I’m richer than the president.
I think you probably are Over the course of this game. We can expect every number’s gon na be rolled about the same number of times.

But at the beginning of the game, Adam has rolled numbers that claim him resources A statistically anomalous number of times And it’s gon na be really hard for the rest of us to catch up.

So what will you do with your turn? It looks like Do you wan na try to trade a thing or I have nothing Yeah. It looks like you. Kinda got nothing.

Few few few, I hope you roll five for me A trillion dollars.

Oh, I hope I don’t roll a five. I kinda wan na roll six and get the robber to move because you’re getting so much gold.
A three Yes, Alright, Adam: let’s talk about how every time the dice roll you get all kinds of good things. Did you cast a spell on this die when we weren’t looking? I am not Merlin the magician

You notice, he didn’t say no.

He just said he wasn’t Merlin the magician. I asked Adam if he had watched Tabletop before and he said no and now I’m not so sure that I believe him. I have enough to make a castle. I think I’m gon na try to win gold by putting a castle down here because for some reason that’s really weird.
The number five just keeps rolling over and over and over again It likes me.

Apparently I guess so, I’m going for five this time. Alright, here you go
You’Re up Six, you get to move the robber

Congratulations: okay, where’s the robber: Where is the ghost pirate gon na go? Can you move it to where the gold is at at number? Five?
This gold right here, I think we all saw that coming – You get two gold from the bank.

Congratulations That is inacceptable Alright, so are you gon na make a trade
Yeah I’ll get a sword: Alright you’re gon na trade to the box and get a sword very good.

And then I’m gon na get a parrot Yeah and I think you’re gon na get a parrot. I think somebody has realized that the parrot strategy and the getting lots of gold strategy is working out very well in this game.
Alright, here you go Okay and which card did you get? I get to move — You get to move the pirate?

Oh my gosh, Okay, so
I think he has magical powers. I think I’ll move it to three and wood. Okay and you’re gon na take two woods. Thank you Tell me what your house looks like that’s on parrot island
Well, it has like a tunnel and then it has like a castle, And then it has a fort. Pretty much have an awesome pirate house.

If you get to build a castle on parrot island. What do you think it’s gon na look like It’s going to be made out of parrots

Will the parrots be sort of like all the same color parrots? Yes, they will Okay, that’s an exciting house. What’S your house gon na look like I’m gon na, have lots of goats
And they’ll, be my waiters They’ll, be your waiters. The thing about having goats as your waiters is that the service might be ba-a-a-ad, (, laughter, ), One of the things I really love about playing with these kids on the show today is.

It reminds me of all the times I played with Ryan and Nolan when they were growing up And because I’ve had the experience of playing with kids before I’m a lot more comfortable in this game with kids than I probably would be. Otherwise.
Roll five roll five: He rolls a six and moves the ghost pirate. I will go here Alright, so you block us. Alright know what your plan is.

Can I please have that? Yes, you want a molasses, Okay, Because there’s five things of the same. We take them all off.

Yeah I’ll get a parrot
Okay, alright, what did you get? You get to move the thing again, A ghost You get to move the ghost Alright where’s, the ghost gon na go
I’Ll block, I will block — You’re gon na block us Wait.

Who is the most dangerous parrot person At the moment? It’S Brett

Then I wan na block him Yeah. I wan na block him
So you’re blocking down here and you get two molasses from the bank. I just really wan na win and I guess, like my strategy, is parrots and, like I wan na block as many people as I can. Oh, I think I know what you’re gon na do And I will make another parrot You’re crazy, with the parrots
You’Re gon na have to open a pet shop soon.

Do you have a permit for all your parrots I’ll violate the law? Wow? That’S a very pirate move. No I’m not gon na violate the law. I’Ll just buy a parrot.

I think it’s important that you’re a law abiding pirate Here you go Which one do you want? Okay, What did you get?
Ghost, Oh man, you’re gon na move the ghost again

Where am I gon na move, Mr Ghost, If you want gold, you could move it here and it doesn’t block anybody. That’S actually kind of a nice thing to do.
I know, but I need a sword, One of the things that I taught my kids and I would encourage other parents to teach this to their kids.

Is that it’s okay to compete without being competitive And another way to put that is just be a good sport. Alright where’s the ghost pirate gon na go. Do you wan na put him on the sword, or do you wan na put him on the gold
Alright he’s on the sword – And here are your swords: Alright, Emily Emily, it’s –, Aww man, the swords

But Emily you get some wood from the bank.
Congratulations, I want wood the most because wood is required to make a castle It’s required to make a ship. I think it’s even required to make a parrot.

Can I trade my molasses in for a goat,
Yeah absolutely, And can I have a ship Yeah? Absolutely? Where would you like your ship to go? You are kidding me.
Right there, Okay great, I still haven’t, moved a piece on the board.

I know Well listen, I think, because we’ve kind of been living in Adam town,
I own real, Since this game started. Let’S see what happens for us A six. I get to move the pirate, No you’re gon na block me
If you block me, I will block you, Mr

I think I wan na come and get a goat, I’m getting a goat. You could’ve gotten a goat there. I know, but I wanted a goat from you.

I want a goat there. You have more goats than the president man
I had to go get a goat from you. Brett has zero goats Unless he orders 1-800 Adams, Goat Farm, Four. Alright, so you get some molasses.
Okay, I’m gon na trade molasses for the sword.

Alright, there you go Here’s molasses and a sword. I don’t even have –, You don’t have a goat. Do you have a gold, a molasses and a sword?
Yes, Yes, you can turn that into a parrot if you like. No, I do not like that idea.

Yes, that’d, be very good. Okay, here we go
That is the worst idea: I’ve ever thought of I’ve ever heard. Yes, I get a house or a boat. Oh fantastic!

That’S exactly what you needed!

I’Ll put the boat right next to Right here, Okay, great! There you go, And I hope I can beat you over to — We’re totally racing for that. Aren’T we
I’M for sure racing Will to get to the gold. Well, I’m gon na get the gold first, Okay, Adam The person you’ve all been waiting to watch. I hope

I will get a parrot You’ll get a parrot: Okay, Yaah, Two goats and two swords.

And now I’m going to continue my quest for even more parrots. That’S so much stuff look. Would you pass that to him? Please Here’s your giant load of things. You ordered ( laughter, ).

I will get gold
Okay, Molasses, Okay, Oh man, I know what’s happening So I will make two parrots
I don’t know if I can count as high as how many parrots you’re gon na have

Yep, okay, I get to move the ghosty ghost Okay. Where do you think you wan na put him? How am I supposed to think about it?
I don’t know: where does he want to haunt I’ll put it there, so I can block both of you guys, You’re gon na block us No I’ll block you. Thank you.

Oh man, It’s really common when people come to play on Tabletop to just pick on me, I was kind of hoping – maybe the kids wouldn’t do that. But no it’s pick on Will day It’s okay, it’s alright!
Having fun Oh and you get a house And I get a house or a ship, Alright, terrific! So, let’s see it looks like the last thing you built was a house

I wan na build a house over there. What we’re seeing right now is something called the parrot recursion effect.

Where you buy a parrot, you draw a parrot, you get a resource, you cash, those resources in for another parrot, and that parrot gives you resources. Your house is so loud because of all the parrots that are inside of it. Polly wants a cracker
Yeah, I know Polly wants a cracker. Polly wants a cracker. Polly wants a cracker.

Polly wants a cracker. Polly wants a cracker. Polly wants a cracker. Polly wants a cracker. Polly wants a cracker
Oh man, Here’s my parrot’s names, Boston.

Michelle Hamilton Rank Zach, Adam Willie. I need to go to sea hall and complain about that Yeah. I know I think we should all file noise complaints about the parrots. This island is full of parrots.
I think Adam is overflowing with parrots right now and it’s pretty loud.

Pavilion, Sam Sherbert, Willy. I think my ears need to get checked, So we play a lot of games on Tabletop where we roll dice And it seems like no matter what happens the dice. Just don’t want to do good things for me.
Let’S see, That’s a two, Let’s see It helps me. Oh no, I don’t get goats
See what I mean, What if I traded this, What if I traded, I don’t think I’m gon na make a parrot.

I don’t know why I’m talking like this, but it feels like the way I should be talking right now. I’M gon na turn this into a goat
Aw you took it. Oh no did I take your goat. I was gon na use it for a ball. Will you took my goat If you roll a one, it helps us both.

Let’S see if you roll a one, it helps all of us. It helps Emily too. It gets Emily some wood over there. Okay, Yes,
Nice work high five Good work, high five

Good work, alright, high five High fives all around – I don’t know if it’s good or bad
I guess I can get a molasses, Okay You’re, trying to make a parrot. Mr.

There you go. Yes, I’m trying to go for a house.
There’S a molasses, Alright, okay, good Another one. Yes Thank you!
Alright, Listen you’re going to need a permit for all your goats and also for all your parrots, I think you’re kind of running an unlicensed zoo over there.

I don’t care, if Will says I have a zoo. I love animals.
I’M gon na trade. All my goats, I don’t care if I give up goats Parrots, is all that matters Now you’re, no longer the goat boy, Now, you’re back to being the parrot person.
Okay: Okay, thank you for your help Ghost and I will block that You’ll block this gold over here Yeah, it’s kinda.

What I figured you would do.

Emily, would you please give him these two chicken nuggets Here. You go again. It’S popcorn. It’S popcorn.

I don’t even think it’s valuable because it looks like popcorn Who would give popcorn for gold. I will make another parrot another parrot and another parrot.
Alright, since you’re doing a good job handing our parrots, why don’t you go ahead and hand out parrots again, I want parrots, Alright, Okay, He gets to move the ghost again
He gets to move the ghost again. I think it’s time to shuffle these tiles. Okay.

So here’s your two molasses, I know what I’m gon na do. Can you pass those down?
Let’S go for another parrot. Another parrot, please, Are you sure Another parrot? Okay,
We’Re gon na run out of parrots.

Thank you. Okay. Apparently now I’ve bought one two, three, four: five: six: seven: eight nine 10, 11 11 parrots, Five
What would you like to do? Can I trade this in for gold? Yes, you sure, can

Here’S your gold, there you go.

Can I have a parrot
Yes, you most certainly can have a parrot. I’M surprised that there’s any parrots left in the world. Alright, there you go. Oh, I get to move this guy, Oh and you get to move the robber. Alright,
If you block my resources, I will block yours next time I get ghost.

Oh no And you will be blocked. Wood. Listen! I think that you have so many parrots to keep you company that that’s something you should be really happy about.

Three, I think three’s pretty good, Let’s see .

.. No, I don’t get my wood
But I get my gold at least right. I can trade both of these for a molasses. Now I can make a parrot Multitasker, Which is exciting.

That is against the law in Adamville. He doesn’t live in Adamville Yeah. I live in awesome town where I’m the mayor and the president. Okay and I get Oh, I get wood and I get molasses. Okay,

So I’m gon na sword and I’m gon na drink all the molasses and I’m gon na ride a goat and then I’m gon na stack up –.

How can you ride a goat? Maybe I just carry the goat on my back Then you’re not riding the goat. The goat’s considered riding you Yeah, so the goat’s riding me
I don’t know if Will’s riding the goat or the goat’s riding on him, but it’s pretty weird

Okay, so I don’t think I’m gon na do anymore trades. Oh, wait! I’M gon na trade, these molasses to the bank and I’m gon na get a goat, So I’m gon na take these and I’m gon na turn them into a ship.

I think ships are great, so I’m gon na build a ship. I’M gon na build a ship right there. It’S not gon na work, because I already have my resources waiting for wood, You’re gon na build a city right there huh I wan na go block. You
Well, here’s the thing that you might find surprising, sir: I don’t wan na build a city there. I just wanted to have a boat there.

I just wanted to have a boat there, because it was a place that I used to sail when I was a little boy with my pet goat.

His name was Nigel and Nigel, and I once saved the island from an invasion of bees.
How old were you I was five, I think, Will is afraid of bees, I’m not afraid of bees. Okay,
Two Two: Oh so you wan na build right here: Yeah Argh, you blocked me!
Wow you’re in really good position there.


You’Re gon na get double wood and double swords and you’re on gold, And now I’d like to trade, my sword for a goat. Okay, here you go. I have a plan.
Uh huh, alright, And now I’d like to use these two to get a boat. Oh, where are you boating to I’m gon na boat right next?

To where I put my — Put a boat here? Okay, I think that looks like you used up all your resources.

That was a really good turn for you. Alright, Adam here you go My turn And here comes the parrot parade. That’S gon na be one
Oh right on okay, I will get one sword.

Alright, there’s a sword up there Parrot And a parrot. Okay.
Here comes the parade of parrots, I’m in the parrot parade, and it looks like this Pa arrot, I’m parrot leader. This is the Adam parrot festival, Adam parrot, association of parrots
Guys listen. This is a sad day on the island of Catan.

Our parrots are extinct. Our parrot population is no more They’ve all gone to Adam
I know they’ve all left They’re, all living in Adam town,

There was a time when the skies over Catan just ran every color of the rainbow, with beautiful plume and just the parrots soared from tree top to tree top. But one dark day A new explorer came to the land of Catan
Imprisoned all the parrots in a castle on spooky island Some say you can still hear the mournful squawking of those parrots. If the wind blows right,

Still others say: maybe the parrots never existed at all, I’m a parrot. Alright, Emily rolls a two
So that’s gon na be two wood for Brett.

Can I have a house, You certainly can have a house. Where would you like to build your house Right here?
You got it, I have 15 and I have 18 — A five. I think my next move is to build a ship, And my ship is gon na go..

I only need one more This way and uhhm I’m gon na trade gold in for molasses, okay And then I’m gon na trade, these two goats for wood And I’m gon na build I’m gon na build another castle. You guys
My castle is called mount Farts And that’s where it is So, you could say, like I’m gon na ride a goat to mount Farts. I wouldn’t wan na go to mount Farts because what if it smells like farts, I am not gon na put mount Adam Farts

Okay, that’s fine. Five Wow Brett you’ve got a mountain of resources. What are you gon na?

Do I’m gon na buy a house
Yeah, I think that’s a great idea: Where are you gon na build your house, You wan na, build here, or do you wan na build there Yeah and I’m gon na use? Thank you. Will You’re welcome and we’ll go there like that, and would you like to do more things?
I’Ll wait: Okay, cool, Okay, Adam! It is your turn, sir Two So Adam.

What would you like to do?
I’M gon na build a boat Okay. So let’s see you’re going to need a goat and some wood to build a boat. Can I have wood? Yes, do you like this wood over here?

Alright, there you go.
And can I have … Alright, so you got that

You may build a boat
Where would you like your boat to go Over there?

Okay, thank you. You wanted it to go here. Okay, so you got a boat heading down in that direction.
And I will build a house And looks like you’re gon na build a house. Okay, I need to buy wood

Okay, so here’s — Would you trade him that for wood, Alright
Molasses for wood very good And one two .

. Four: alright
So let’s go ahead and do this My last house – And it looks like your house – is gon na go there And I think guys With the last castle or fort or pirate hideout being placed on the board that ends the game.
And it looks like Adam you win by putting your last guy down on the board. Thank you parrots, And I think it’s probably good that you have all these houses on the board, because you have a lot of parrots that need a place to live Yay. So listen, first of all, you guys were such terrific pirates.

I wanted to give you these ridiculously awesome. Pirate hats,

May I put this on you: Yes, Alright, okay, alright And then here we have one here for you Good, alright,
I also got you guys, your own copies of the game. Thank you That you can have your welcome There you go. I had a wonderful time playing with you guys today.
Thank you so much for coming and for being part of this, And if we get to do some kids games again in the future, I will invite you guys back.

Okay, Okay, Alright, have a great day.
Thanks a lot, I’m gon na go get Adam his trophy. What’S Star Trek Mmm

Adam your parrot strategy was great
You played a really really good game today. Thank you, And I say that it’s pretty clear that you have earned the Tabletop trophy of Awesome. I’M gon na put your name on this trophy for you to have okay, I mean I feel bad for you.

Have you ever won one of those games? I have actually Then where’s your photo. My photo is right. There You’ve won a couple.
Yeah, But you know what It doesn’t matter: Winning is not important Having fun when you play, the game is what’s really important.

Do you have fun? I always have fun. I had a really fun time today. So did I I’m really glad
Well, would you like to say anything to the people at home About your victory, Use parrots when you play Catan Junior? That’S all, I think.

That’S terrific advice.
Well, thanks a lot for being here.

Thanks a lot for watching, Thank you for consoling me And we will see you next time on Tabletop Play more games.
Remember: ( Tabletop, music, )

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