Could YOU Master This Level 9 Puzzle?!

Could YOU Master This Level 9 Puzzle?!

Could YOU Master This Level 9 Puzzle?

So look at this beauty. This is an absolutely beautiful puzzle, so many different pieces of wood used in making this. This is just like the most fun looking puzzle. I’ve seen in a long time, this puzzle is known as the castle builder set. The object is to build a path from top to bottom that doesn’t require jumping.


Now you might ask yourself what jumping is real quick. I do have a diagram, so basically, at the start you got to arrange the castle now each of these pieces. Each of these pieces has a small number like this one’s 35, so I’ve placed them from 1 to 35 kind of like this all the way down. Here and each of them has a small little square just like that, so it says here you can’t jump. If you look at the red arrows, that’s jumping, you gotta take the stairs and you can’t move in diagonal.


You have to have a clear path. Two is you have to rearrange the pieces by sliding them around and three once you’re done once you’ve reached the top, you can actually change the castle and build your own and then start right over and that’s why this is a super fun puzzle. This puzzle’s from pelican um, thomas vanyo, tamas vanio. This puzzle was crafted in Europe with absolutely fantastic quality. Each of the puzzles, a pelican design, are unparalleled in their class.


They really are every piece. The puzzle is precisely cut and very well made. You can’t find its equal anywhere else because they are so unique and the diversity in wood makes each puzzle such a unique masterpiece. I mean that is beautiful, sitting on the shelf of a little castle like this, but it also looks like a children’s game, which is cool too. So here we go.

I’ve got my morning coffee, I’ve got this puzzle, I am all alone, and hopefully we can get to the end. Now again, the goal is to slide pieces so that you see these little stairs here that are hard to see on that side. I’ll try to keep it angled over here. Well, these stairs need to lead up to this spire, that’s the goal, so here we go. Should we put up a timer, I think we should put up a timer start stopwatch got a bit of a timer going here. All right.


I have to get up there. Now we have stairs here. We got platforms, it’s not super easy to maneuver all the pieces. Little stairs here I need to connect them to at least another little platform or another set of stairs kind of like this: see these ones go sideways. So that’s not going to work now.


Ah, now we’ve made like a little platform um, but how does that really help us just move the spire out of the way? A little path here now see that a little path here, if we could get, we need stairs. Actually, if we can get this one here and then actually help us out a bit, how pieces do tend to get stuck quite a bit, but it isn’t so bad it could be worse. Okay, now this is quite significant, so Let’s start trying to lose track of what we’re doing here. We got the stairs here and, as you can see, it moves on to a bit of a platform there and then over here we’ve got stairs going up more okay, so we’ve created a small path, but we’ve got a we’ve got to have another platform here.


Oh, I can actually push this guy in. This is actually great. There we go now. This small path leads into this tiny spire uh. The tiny spire can lead on to a platform, but then that’s pretty much it because it can’t hop on these stairs like this.


So i’ll need uh i’ll need stairs that face the other way. Hmm, I don’t want to undo what I’ve already done, but I feel like I must hold on. Oh, it’s actually so close. If I could simply get that one out of the way so yeah these stairs here lining up but they’re, not they’re sort of adjacent to this entrance, but I need them to go into that entrance um. So I would have to oh man.


This is quite difficult. Okay, that goes there. This is the type of game I could play for a very long time. I feel and do not get bored, because there are uh, multiple solutions and I think, a puzzle that has a lot of solutions, but is still hard. I think there’s a lot of fun in that, because it gives you encouragement to know that if you persevere, you’re probably going to end up with one of the multiple solutions.


So it’s not like I’m trying to look for a single solution. There are probably dozens, if not hundreds of solutions, maybe even thousands, it’s all pretty random, so that’s uh! It’S really encouraging! Actually, okay hold on so we’re here. Spire is now way over.


Where’s my gap? It’s over here. Well, this might be a good hold on. This might be good. This might be good, I’m not there yet, but it’s getting there. I have to get this one over here so that once I go up these stairs, I can turn right if I fall onto this platform.


Okay, here we are so far. Let’s have a look. We’ve got a path, as you can see that climbs from here goes up to here, there’s a hole in this tiny spire, and then I move on to this platform. Now from this platform, I can move here as well. I can keep going straight or I can move there as well. There’s another path that I can create with that small little ledge in which way do I want to go, which is the path of least resistance?


We have a spire which is right here. So Let’s say I’m here and I can walk along this edge. I can then walk along this edge. Oh hello, I can then also come on come on fella. Oh wait!


No! Wait here come on! Oh no! I can’t shift that one because look at the feet. The feet down they’re all stuck together, all clamored together.


I can’t uh huh, okay, okay hold on a second here now we’ve got stairs going up here, we’re getting somewhere close we’re getting somewhere close, but I’m not close enough still quite far away. Hmm, I need these stairs somehow that won’t move. Oh man, this whole thing seems easy enough until you realize that some of these pieces won’t move anymore because of the way their feet are positioned. Okay, see now, if I could only bridge the gap between these stairs here see these stairs the way they go all the way down. Here they don’t touch.


I’d have to jump here. I’d need a little step to get up there, but then, once here I could probably shift this guy into place and make it to the top of the spire. But for now I don’t know, there’s no uh, there’s no path that way holds on. Oh no. Ah, the stairs are in the wrong place, I can see the stairs going up here, uh leading up here, but then um, I’m kind of on a dead end.


I can’t go diagonally here so standing at 15, almost 16 minutes right now: okay, okay, now you see the path. We start here right where the steps are. We move up here, we’re on here boom and now we’re up here. We are so close to the top of the spire here, but yet so far now I can move this little ledge and get us an extra bit of platform there. If I just shift these tiny ones out of the way, I think like this, I think I’m all right now.


I’ve created this lovely little platform here, but I’m still not there and I still haven’t found it. Oh man, we’re so close. We are so close. I’M gonna go into the zone now um. I might not talk through this next part, because I’m just gonna try and concentrate and get myself out of this predicament.


I need this one. I need this one here. How do I get that there? Oh boy? Oh boy, there’s no getting that there like there might be.


We are so close right now. Wait! Oh man so close check this out. We go up here. We go there.


We go up here, we go here. I need a platform here and I can get here here here here and I can get up. Okay, very close. I think I’ve got it so close, so close, so close, gosh, i’m so close. So right now they’re all getting sort of stuck at the feet.


I can’t move them in the directions. I want to move them in and that’s incredibly frustrating because I see a path, but the path just doesn’t doesn’t work out, nope that doesn’t move this way. This doesn’t move that way. This one moves this way, but then this one doesn’t move that way. You wait, that’s it!


I got it. Let’s go for 36 minutes, not bad. Let’s have a look and double check. Our homework here, make sure everything lines up. We have these small stairs here, which we then climb up.


We make our way up these stairs. We have a platform here. We then use this platform to get up here. We now enter the spire through the spire. Take the next set of stairs and into the final tower, that is the builder’s castle set solved.


That is amazing, so much fun. Oh my god. I can’t wait to do this again. This will definitely be a staple in the office. It’Ll stay on the coffee table.


I think this is definitely replacing the next. The last puzzle that was on the coffee table as being the next fun toy for people to play, with check out the link below thanks for watching we’ll see on the next video


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