Legendary: Markiplier, Allie Brosh, and Brea Grant join Wil Wheaton on TableTop!

Legendary: Markiplier, Allie Brosh, and Brea Grant join Wil Wheaton on TableTop!

Legendary: Markiplier, Allie Brosh, and Brea Grant join Wil Wheaton on TableTop!

In the before times, the long long ago, when i was around 18, a game was released called magic. The gathering in this game, two wizards, used the land itself to cast, spells and summoned creatures to wage epic battle on each other. You played magic in two main parts, the actual duel itself and then constructing the deck that you used for the duel. The thing was, you usually built your deck by yourself and though everyone had access to the same cards. In theory, the player with the most money usually had the best cards to build their deck.

We called that the chase and for me it wasn’t awesome and i stopped playing, but i always loved building those decks of cards and i wasn’t alone other people, including game designers, also loved building decks of cards, so they started making games where the whole point was To build a deck of cards, hence the term deck builders, some of the most popular ones, are dominion, ascension and tanto quarry. Unfortunately, none of those games would work on our show and it looked like we’d never be able to play a deck building game on tabletop, but a few months ago we discovered a deck building game, that’s well designed incredibly fun to play and, most importantly, will work On the show, so today on tabletop, mark fischbach, allie, brosh and bria grant are here to play a deck builder that is destined to be wait for it. Legendary legendary is a deck building game designed by devin lowe and it’s set in the marvel universe. We can either play together as a team in co-op mode or compete against each other today, we’re doing co-op, because that’s much more in the spirit of the comics upon which this game is based. Now, before i even say one of these names, the legal department has asked me to make a very clear disclaimer, which states the following all of the iconic images of the heroes are copyrighted and all their names are trademarked.

We’Re just making a show about gaming and not saying we own the images you’re going to see as we play all right with that said, holy sh guys. This game is amazing. We get to play our favorite avengers, like hawkeye and iron man, x-men, like wolverine, and emma frost and fan favorites like deadpool and spider-man. In a super amazing crossover extravaganza. We are going to team up with shield to try to take down these masterminds over here, like red skull and their henchmen and other random evil, bad guys at the beginning of the game.

Our decks are all the same, and they are only filled with these generic agents of shield. They generate the two basic resources in the game: attacking power represented by these slashy claw, marks and recruiting power represented by these stars. We use the attack power to punch villains and we use the stars to buy better superheroes like the hulk and then discard all the cards spent plus the new card you just purchased. We will continue to do this turn after turn, we’re all going to start out with the same cards, but once i reshuffle my deck you’ll see that now i have a chance to get those agents of shield and the hulk to join my comic. This creates the feedback loop that lets me get more and more heroes into my hand.

By the end of the game, each player will have developed their own team and play style. Every time you play a new set of heroes and villains will come out. So no two games of legendary are ever exactly the same. The game ends when either the mastermind accomplishes their nefarious plan or the heroes come out shining in victory, so who will be the star of their comic and which puny god will get pounded into the ground? Let’S find out in legendary, i am ali brosh and i am known for writing, draw writing the webcomic hyperbole and a half.

My name is mark fischbach. I run the youtube channel markiplier, where i play video games and have a lot of fun and do stupid stuff. My name is bria grant and i am an actress and a writer. It’S legendary. You choose a player to go first, i have been chosen to go first in spite of the fact that they’ve all told me that they watch the show.

I don’t know what that’s about so uh. We played our first hands before the game, because our mastermind, the red skull, makes you discard things from your hand. His scheme is unleash the power of the cosmic cube. We all know how great that is. One of the ways you set the difficulty in legendary is in the choice of your mastermind, and every mastermind has a particular set of bad guys that come along with it.

Every mastermind has a hit value. Every mastermind has uh strengths and weaknesses. The really hard ones are guys like loki and red skull is on the easier end of things which i’m really fine with. This is a game where we really want to have fun, and we really want to show off what this game can do. So i think, taking someone’s little more average difficulty is going to make this a lot more fun for us anyway.

Let’S go, let’s see who our first villain is. It is venom, the guy that we can’t kill venom is brutal. You can only beat venom if you have another player from the spider-man universe and since spider-man is not in our heroes deck, we can only take him out with black widow. I think it’s really unlikely we’re gon na get venom before he can escape. So here we go, i’ve got two punches and four stars.

So i’m going to look at that and go. I can’t punch anything and i’m gon na spend my four stars. I love deadpool deadpool is like one of my favorite characters ever so i’m gon na go ahead and uh and take deadpool and trust that one of you guys is gon na grab black widow. I love everything about deadpool he’s an anti-superhero he’s really funny. He doesn’t take anything seriously.

His origin story is actually really cool and, like the thing of all, is like it’s the one thing in the world that rob liefeld’s done that i don’t hate, so i’m gon na take deadpool and put all these guys in the discard land, um and uh. That will be the extent of my turn that was exciting right yeah, the game starts a little slow to be more punching. Oh there’s another new deadpool. Now, let’s see who comes out on your turn, some hydras, that’s great! So when you fight hiders, you have to reveal the two top cards of the villain deck because hydra uh bria.

What do you have happening over there? I love co-op games because i lose at a lot of games, so i like it because then everyone loses together. Everyone wins and the better people can like pull me up with them. So that’s exciting. I have three stars to buy things with and three punches, which does me no good at all, looks like you can buy an iron man, a deadpool, a hulk or a black widow.

I i guess i’m going to go black widow with the hopes that i’m going to be able to take down venom at some point, all right, so i’ll play that here’s that and then there’s your black widow great. I don’t have a ton of experience with deck building games, but i played a lot of magic when i was a kid and i know a lot about marvel and i have a lot of enthusiasm about my chances. Would you be offended if i took a dead pool, of course, not okay deadpool, it doesn’t get chosen by a person. Deadpool chooses the person who who will play very independent deadpool has chosen me over you, it’s great. Oh.

We also forgot to put a bad guy out on youtube. Oh yeah, it’s a sentinel alley looks like you’ve got three and three here comes a new bad guy. Just point out that bill uh venom is on his way up, which is bad news. Oh and there’s a super villain, a super skrull um, all right allie. What are you gon na?

Do i’m gon na do a lot of stuff yeah. Okay, i’m going to first i’m going to get hulk over here, because i just want to hulk. I i’ve been waiting the entire time there’s a huge grab, i’m just very excited to get some hulk on my deck. I want to smash things so then i’m going to do some punching all right. Finally, i’m going to i’m going to do the first punching of the game.

Yeah i’m going to punch the sentinel great and i believe he has an ability yeah one of your heroes so, and so that means, from from my hand, pile right yeah. So i’m going to get rid of one of these guys because to be honest, i really don’t like these guys all the time she’s making a call over there. No one likes the shield agents i like this, even though we think we all need the shoelaces. I don’t i don’t like the shield agent with the walkie-talkie thing. He just looks sort of sour he’s, uh he’s in a bad mood he’s just starting.

It looks like he’s wearing matt murdock’s glasses, which kind of makes you feel uncomfortable, which makes me think that there’s one pair of sunglasses in the marvel one universe, it’s like the guy that makes cyclops glasses and then everybody else. I’Ve never encountered information. On the contrary, yeah, so i think you’re, probably right all right. I’Ve got a sunglasses, guy, a sunglasses guy, a sunglasses guy, a trooper guy; that’s four uh, a trooper guy, that’s five and a sunglasses guy. That’S six!

You ever supposed to put all those out. I forgot sometimes sorry, sorry, man, that’s all right. Okay, guys, i’m not i’m like i’m. It’S gon na be another turn where i don’t do a lot of punching. But let’s find out what comes out here.

Okay, another uh! This is a hand ninja. If you fight him, you get a plus one, no that’d be super, but i can’t fight him. I think i’m going to buy another deadpool because of reasons now. The question is: do i want to get punchy deadpool over here right or do i want to get um techy deadpool over here, so techy deadpool over here lets?

You uh grab a bystander and this one. What does he do? He lets you discard the rest of your hand and draw cards, which is a thing that i could probably need to do on account of them drawing parts very badly. So i’m gon na go ahead and take this deadpool guy and a new guy’s out and this uh it’s a black widow, so good uh, the title of this card is hey. Can i get a do-over which is hilarious in game terms?

It means that you can discard everything and then just draw one fewer cards to fill your hand back up, so you want to go shopping. Discard your punchy guys want to punch guys discard your shopping guys in comic book universe terms, it’s hilarious because you can see deadpool just getting wailed on by a bad guy and deadpool. Just saying, can i get a do-over punch punch? Could i really want to do over punch punch punch come on man just come on, no take backsies. Let me start over.

There is the end of my turn. Oh and i get to shuffle my cards. So, let’s see who comes out on your turn, brian dr octopus, i should um terrible i’m playing with the other two guys, i’m i’m very simple on account. If i play a lot of villains, i’m very sympathetic to them, that’s good! I am as well.

I play a lot of villains, also in acting i’m often cast as the villain or the bad guy, or just a really cold horrible person, who’s doing terrible things like stealing babies or stealing boyfriends, and so this is bad. If we end up with an escaped villain, yeah super bad. You guys have to tell you something. I do not think i’m going to be able to stop that particular villain from escaping. I don’t know when venom escapes each player gains a wound.

It’S not the worst thing in the world if we can get some of those hulk cards out. Well, i can’t do much punching. I only have one so, but i do have five stars to buy things with. Oh so i could buy this really awesome. Iron man, yeah yeah, then i also have the black widow thing going.

So it’s kind of drying it’s hard to decide, but i did enjoy. I do enjoy iron man because he has this technology side, so i think i’m going to go well great. Take it! The sexy iron man, all right, uh venom escapes we each gain a wound, congratulations and one for you and one for me and one for you, those all go into our discard piles uh. Then this everybody moves down, guys we’re not being very good who’s.

Superheroes. You know, i’m sorry, yeah put the blame on you. Okay, all right looks like you have. You can buy three things of thing and with my super special attack ability, because i got three punches, i can kill the skrull, take the black widow and buy something else. Nice, that’s great!

There you go so you waste this scroll. You gain the black widow, so the squirrel goes into your defeat, pile and then black widow goes into your discard, pile which is super. These guys are done. Those guys are just that means that i can buy. I could either buy that deadpool right or i could actually acknowledge the importance of shield and buy one of these shield officers all right so the same thing as that, but not the badness on it yeah.

You know you were kind of going on and on about how much you’ll, how pro-shield you are yeah. I am 100 pro shield shield. All the way, nick fury is on a poster in my bedroom right above my bed, and i look at it every night before i drift off to sleep. Let’S see what happens here. We go.

Oh the scheme twist, it’s not the biggest thing in the world. To start out with a twist of course, we say that now, but when there’s five twists on the board, we’re maybe going to feel differently about that. So if they get to eight scheme twists, we lose um, but that actually i mean that might not be the worst thing in the world: okay ally. What are you doing? What i am going to do is, let’s see so i’m going to buy some stuff, because i can’t my punching power is not great.

This turn would you like? I would love hawkeye. Thank you yeah and i am done and i get to shuffle my card. Did you have you, i presume you did not have enough to do punching? No, i had one punching, so i got it, you could have tried.

I mean i mean like he did: try sort of one out there and just anemically or not in hope that we’re like buying and selling people right now that there’s a little bit of like no. No, i don’t think no, no! No! No! No!

It’S not by it’s recruiting, oh okay, i feel like we’ve just begun and already the red skull is a quarter of his way to victory. This is not going well, it’s awesome guys if we lose the city, i don’t know where i’m gon na live so yeah. One two three: four: i’m going to discard these guys because i play deadpool. First now i get to draw four cards, that’s great and that’s great and that’s super aha, oh yay! I’M gon na play this deadpool here hold this for a second and he gets me.

Get two star points: a villain of your choice captures a bystander that seems pretty bad, except i’m going to put it under this villain and then i’m gon na go and and save every save everyone with that villain. So since i’m doing this, i’m gon na go ahead and start out with uh, with this first i’m going to buy. I have four points of buying power. Oh so you know what i’m not buying. I’M tired you’re selling hearts you’re.

Basically, like a shield pusher, i get a bit of commission everything all right. I’M gon na go ahead and buy this black widow i’ll put that guy there and now i’m gon na go punch this set of ninjas. These guys are discarded and my turn is done and i’m gon na draw a new hand. I have to tell you something: i do not think i’m gon na be defeating him anytime soon, i’m in this screwed position where we keep getting. I guess five, but let’s can’t buy two, so yeah six would be a great number to have.

Yeah you’d have six. If you had this one with two on it, you know again again with appreciate that one two three four and that’s all i got all right here comes a new guy. It’S a super strong. My wounded is crap, but i play her, which lets me draw a card. That’S gon na be another dude that lets you go shopping yeah.

Let’S me go shopping and that means i have five really also my deadpool he’s two plus one, because maria yeah, the officer i bought yeah, is odd numbered. Therefore, i have three attack. Now yeah, i kill the foot. I get one more buying power yeah. That means i have six yeah, so i buy two you’re going on a shield.

What is going on over here all this [ __ ]. All this shield insider trading is happening right now. You need to be able to buy heroes so that you can do more damage. I expect the game to last a long time. Therefore, i anticipate that i’ll need a lot of income in the initial phase and then i can sort out the lower income ones and i will be able to buy all the top end cards, which is what we want, because those are going to help us win.

I feel like you, maybe you have a thing for maria should we talk about that? Do you need to talk about maria over and over again going with you and mariah? Nothing else? No. You just have like a penthouse full of mariah’s, all right, we’re up to four scheme twists now, which isn’t great.

Can you buy us out of scheme twist? I don’t think i might. I will have to negotiate further down the road shopping. What are you shopping for? Wait, let me guess, is it a shielding?

How dare you assume that? Yes, actually, i personally don’t think maria is going to be helping anybody in the long run, so mark can do what he wants, but he may be taking down the whole team in the process, because this is actually a very complicated intervention about how much you are Recruiting a conversation, i don’t have a problem mark. It was very hurtful to me when you told me about how i should buy a shield officer. I felt you weren’t paying attention to my feelings and needs. Okay, it’s okay!

You know maria can help you with your reading skills. Mark. You think marie is good for you, but guess what she’s gon na take you down in the end these situations they spiral out of control. I know i’m out of control you’re out of control. Okay, okay.

He he might not realize they have such a problem with maria, but it’s it’s a it’s a spiral and uh he’s he’s pretty far down on the spiral. I hope he doesn’t have to hit rock bottom. I’M gon na buy more good. Oh man, i was almost gon na give you a 30-second chip. Two months later, i’m the only one here that can buy the ultimate cards right now, we’re really making fun of mark, because it’s really hilarious, to create this relationship between him and maria.

But it is a legitimate and and intelligent and time-tested strategy ally sentinel has shown up. That’S a ko one of your heroes. Dude. What are you gon na do? Well, i’ve got a question yeah.

Are you guys ready for some punching? Oh two, more punching. That’S four punching and because i play at an avenger, i’m going to get plus one punching and more punching. That’S seven punching. What does it say when you fight him?

Okay, so fight? I get plus three, so i get plus three i’m just adding i’m i’m chaining the punching. I was very excited to finally be punching red skull. I i’ve been waiting for that moment for a long time and i was mostly excited to be punching. I i wasn’t worrying too much about what anyone else was doing, so i’m gon na fight this guy – oh, that was amazing, and then this guy just he goes up here, he’s ko he’s he’s canceled.

Everyone k, origins, no, no just uh, just elegant with these guys. All right that was pretty great all right. Let’S see what happens here. Oh lord piebach, the power scroll he’s costs eight. When you fight him, you choose a hero in the hq for each player and each player gains that hero.

Oh so so you guys know i’ll. Be able to kill him in the next round. You are awesome. Okay, so, let’s see i have a recruitment power of four and i’m going to recruit this dead. So sorry mark.

Do you want to give him a no okay? No, not even not even out? Oh, you want one of these, i’m gon na fight the sentinel so that i can ko one of these guys. That’S just constantly getting in my way. Where are you go away?

Nobody likes that guy, nobody likes you you’re, okay at the beginning, and then you just get in the way all right. It is your turn. So here’s, where uh the power, not on my turn, so what happens on okay yeah all right, so i have um this hulk yep. I can ko wound from my hand. If you do, i get a plus two, so that means he’s has four yeah and then i can do a plus three, that’s seven, two, eight nine!

So i’m going home, i am gon na. Take this guy down, kill the power scroll now choose a hero in the hq for each player and give that player that hero you choose for us. Okay, wait! A second wait, a second everybody! Yes, you can have whatever you want, but i’m taking this good one.

When i punch that guy, i can pick any card i wanted. So of course, i’m gon na pick the best card i mean i’m gon na. Take i’m gon na take the seven and never be able to afford that without some maria’s in my hand, bria played a good hand and i have no hard feelings about her. Taking that card she earned it yay and i’m gon na take i’m gon na take deadpool. Yes, i’m really all about this punching now.

Well, i guess i’ll take the dead for more buying power. All right. Are you ready mark? Yes, oh wait. Master strike when the master strike happens, each player ko’s a hero from their hand from the home.

I had eight kobe’s get rid of it forever. I can’t afford to get rid of. That is that do we? Do we add another one back or we? This is no, this is this is our hands.

I got a koala guy too. This is a hard for me yeah. Do you want to tell him something? No, no! You aren’t as good as maria oh wow.

You never liked me as much as you liked her. So i couldn’t get the two iron man yeah said: do you want the punch which iron man do you want the punching iron man or the draw card iron man? You could draw into more maria’s yeah. So do you want to buy that hulk? Yes, i’m sorry!

It’S okay, i don’t i couldn’t afford them. Anyway. That’S a koa wound hulk, which is good punch. Now, maybe it’s somewhere in my deck ready yeah! This is a hydra kidnapper.

If you fight him, you gain a shield officer. Oh get. I’Ve killed two two people who cares. If you killed a lot more than two this one, you get more maria’s, i could yes, i and i maybe i will if you can leave him to give me. Let me give him a tender punch across the cheek and then i will get another one.

I think that you give it more of a slap. I think it’s just. I think it’s like a backhanded. Maybe it’s even a slip with a glove and then maria shows up and she’s like i’m. So sorry he’s just gives him some money.

So i have two two. Three, four five punching powers. Oh that’s kind of nice. Do we feel like i should do a hydra. Yeah, i think, maybe now it’s a good time i can punch, i can punch you sure, that’s not the maria talking too scary you’re hurting everyone.

No, it could be skin twists, but i each player gains a wound and then you put you know you have to put out two of these because of yeah, because i killed that height, yep and now. The second thing is a scheme twist call two scheme twists or what? Yes, you get a wound and you get a wound and you get a wound and when everybody gets a wound, yeah. Okay super. So i have iron man which i’m gon na play.

Uh allows me to draw another card which is another buying power uh. I have oddball deadpool, which means he has two attack, plus one for every odd hero. That means my two maria’s give him two more attack, plus my iron man i’ll, spend my six to buy the small hulk and the iron man. So that’s all my spend and then i will attack a sentinel okay to discard one. You will discard ko this guy.

Okay and then we should be good, all right, ally, you ready. Okay, i’m going to do a significant amount of punching all right. This is a super scroll. Um each player will ko a hero. When that super scroll is defeated.

Would you like to recruit first? I i have no recruiting power, i have all punching. I have a mono punching. Can you punch the red skull? I can punch the rest.

Oh so we’re gon na we’re gon na chain, hawkeyes yeah and i’m gon na get another plus one. So we are up to four punching yeah and then i’m going to wait, and so, if i punched first yeah so play this guy, so yeah. First of all, the bad news is that each player gets a wound: okay, but we’re we’re sort of collecting them anyway. So so eight punching yeah ten ten eleven pounds, eleven punching thirteen punches no extra punching or anything with these guys. Oh man, i’m feeling great i’m loving, smashing things uh.

The hulk is every bit as wonderful as i imagined he would be. Hawkeye has been contributing as well: i’ve appreciated hawkeye’s contributions and we’re gon na get rid of him yeah great okay. No, no! No, he goes oh, he goes there. We go okay, so uh, look at the top three cards of your deck.

Okay, ko1 discard one and put the other one on top okay, we’re gon na we’re gon na ko this guy uh-huh i wan na. I think that’s as much punching as possible yeah, so we’re going to discard this and then hawkeye goes up on top. What a great and you still have punching left. I can only i’m only punching four on my turn. You can stay there for at least the punishment for the super scroll punch.

Each player ko is a hero yeah. I could do that. We have a that’s an okay yeah. Let’S, let’s get this okay, see ya, see ya all right. Everybody ko is a hero.

I’M gon na ko this guy all right. Fine! I got enough money all right and not a bad thing all right hand ninjas! I’M gon na go deadpool. Let’S a villain capture, a bystander he’s a deadpool, so i’m punching for four and i’m not gon na punch hydra.

I’M gon na punch the ninjas so that i get a bystander and then now i get to add one. So i get. I get one two three four and i’m gon na buy hawkeye there you go cause. I like hawkeye. I think hawkeye is awesome.

That is my turn. You did a lot of things. I did everyone’s doing a lot of things. Yeah. Okay, just hope we do it before the next scheme twist shows up are we speaking of which ooh it’s the green goblin.

The green goblin costs six. He captures a bystander, that’s not the worst ambush in the world. I have these two iron man, man, iron man. I think i think she called them iron man, the iron man cards. I played this guy first draw a card.

Yeah then play this guy draw two cards and because he’s out here i get to draw two more. So i just draw five cards hell. Yes, you do so, which is pretty sweet yeah. Oh my god, i’m so glad i got that iron man, oh and another, five, okay, um! So um!

I have this one. That’S! If there’s a technology on the board, which there is, i get a plus one punch for each other technology hero, you played this turn so wow. So, each one two, three six whoa, seven nine read that uh you make cake. You make ko a wound from your hand.

What’S up? Oh, oh yeah, i do have a camera. Oh you’re right, you’re, ready, okay, i’ll move for my hand and if you do you get plus two. Don’T do that. You’Re punching for 13

Again, 13.

wait for my hand. This counts as my hand, it’s your hand or discard pile. Oh you’re right, it was just. Do you want to punch him? Yeah punch him in the face.

Punch him get it don’t mask your mind. Draw two cards then draw another card for each hydra villain in your victory. Pile do you have one? I think you have aren’t these guys, hydro villains, aren’t the sentinels hydro, villains, uh, oh no, henchman, villains, so yeah! I just have the 100 okay, so you’re going to draw three cards: okay, all right!

So i’ll put them over here. No, don’t blame me for that. One one! Is that punching! That’S punching!

You can do it we’re gon na. Do it? Okay? Okay! All right!

Do you want to punch red skull again, yeah, let’s punch it puncher you get plus four buying power, so you can go shopping now. Great, i do love shopping. Maria’S are on sale, half price. I got to do 15 punching in one turn. I feel pretty amazing, like mostly because we didn’t fall prey to the maria scheme.

We were able to, i think, maximize our punching. We still have to do one last round where we all fight the final red skull. I guess we’ll just start with mark, so just play your hand as normal. Only this time, you’re purchasing things as damage. This is my one chance to succeed.

I’Ve been like sat out of the game for the entire time with just my income. I had a plan. I really did i haven’t planned, have had had a plan and i will be able to do something here, because my maria’s are actually valuable now i i just need to tally up everything and see where i stand, but that probably means i’m doing good right right. So i have uh the hulk, which needs me to ko a wound which is like that, and that gives him four. I have this guy for five uh-huh uh.

This guy’s also one so six, seven, eight, nine ten, so okay, so you’re doing 10 points damage. Whoever does the most damage to the red skull if i had one takes the red skull, so um ali now add up all of your guys. So my i’ve got a little bit of an anemic thing going on here, so he just gets plus two and three and then i have a wound which doesn’t do anything uh, four and then five six. I only have six punching powers, so i can’t even punch him what now so here we go. So here’s here’s me all right.

Two three four iko: a wound which i can do easily six: seven: eight nine eleven nice all right that maria is your safety yeah how’s it looking over here for you, okay, i get to draw two cards because it’s iron man again he’s amazing wait. Do you have a technology that you get no okay, okay, yeah yeah and stupid wound um, but i do have this and you discard a wound, so i can discard yeah yeah this or ko wound for my hands. So i get plus two. So then, i have four here: yep red skulls bought a lot of maria’s yeah. I do not like to play legendary and and score this thing, but because it’s tabletop um like we all win nobody, nobody has to go to loser’s lounge, so we’re all gon na we’re all gon na win.

But whoever has the most points of victory cards wins the trophy. Listen, okay. Is everybody all counted up? I have 21, it was hard wow. I have 14

I have four only you and a trophy today.

Congratulations will said beforehand that he didn’t want to focus on the victory points, but secretly i wanted to be the winningest winner. We were a great team uh and i hope you and maria’s really have a wonderful life together, yeah and i’m going to go put the red skull in the loser’s lounge by itself. I’M just going to go see someone else again. He’S really disappointed an interesting situation on tabletop today, where we all won, but there was of course one supreme winner, but i think everybody worked really hard, so everybody gets to go home with something mark come on in here. I think it’s very important that you go home with your very own maria that has your name on it.

Thank you. Congratulations. I have hundreds at home, but oh, but that’s the only one that has your name on it. I hope. Okay, all right riya uh, just as in the first season of tabletop, because you played so well and created the conditions for victory.

You receive a tabletop trophy of awesome awesome and now, unfortunately, i have to take the trophy back. I have so many things because i have to give it to ali, but look you get tape that can go right here on now all day long. Everyone knows that your name is bria. So thank you. Congratulations!

Ally! Come in here you punched the heck out of some bad guys, so you also win the tabletop trophy of awesome and one that was handcrafted, especially for you, but you get to keep this one so wow around there. I engraved your name on it for you ally. Congratulations. Oh thank you so much for playing i’d like to make a speech i’d like to thank the hulk uh the existence of points, my mother and will oh you’re welcome, and thank you for coming.

You really are one of my favorite people on the whole internet. Oh and that’s what i win, i get to hang out with one of my heroes today, um thanks so much for watching and thanks so much for subscribing and until we see you next time play more games. You

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