Love Letter: Grant Imahara, Nika Harper and Anne Wheaton Join Wil Wheaton on TableTop [Livestream]

Love Letter: Grant Imahara, Nika Harper and Anne Wheaton Join Wil Wheaton on TableTop [Livestream]

Love Letter: Grant Imahara, Nika Harper and Anne Wheaton Join Wil Wheaton on TableTop

I’M back everybody where I’m telling I’m telling niihka about my tattoo um so because she’s got her. Tattoos are cooler than mine, um, yours so and yours is fantastic, don’t even discount! I don’t know your Harry Potter wand is pretty freakin great yeah. It’S right on her across her collarbone. Please welcome to the broadcast, Grant Imahara and Wheaton and Nika Harper yay, okay, so we’re gon na play one of the greatest games that came out over the last couple of years.

It’S a game that you can actually get at some of the fronting local game shops if you’re playing somewhere out there a tabletop day. This is a game called love letter. This game is so much fun. The idea is, we are all suitors and we are attempting to get our love letter to the princess, that’s sort of up in the castle. Each one of us is going to get different cards that tell us who we are.

Our cards do different things that let us get closer to the princess, they’re sort of sort of like a trump mechanic and how like someone can get closer and no one else get closer than that. And when you are, when you successfully get your letter to the princess, you get one of these little love cubes, which is this is how sweetheart this is honey. Just how much I love you wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, you’re very lucky. I should stand them.

I should stack them up: okay, wait! Ready, okay, try again Wow, so we have these little cheat cards that let us know like what everything does and there’s a bit of deduction. There’S a bit of bluffing and one of the things that we’ll do at the beginning is we’re going to take one card out of the deck so that we don’t know exactly what is in so I’m gon na take that out. I’M gon na do this yeah. I’M gon na put it in oh and it doesn’t a special love letter snack a litter stack as I was trying to say here.

If you’re thinking, that’s what she said. I really I really know. I really appreciate you copying my website. So there are your hands. Are so soft and gentle um there are we’re gon na play game.

Eventually it’s gon na. I know if you play it, one of the friendly locals a chaps, that’s doing one of our big tabletop day. Events you’ll have a chance to get your own copy full copy of love letter. So it’s really great. If you like the resistance or coup or bang or werewolf, then you’ll really enjoy love letters, so here we go.

Another thing is that we were actually talking about this today, because it’s in this tiny little sack you can actually take it with you to places. So I always have like a small yeah. It is great a small card yet take you everywhere. It’S a great waiting and lying game. Yeah Pieces of Eight is another one of those great waiting in line games.

So wait we all get to right. My dog, sorry! I was on confusing with COO, alright, so um Nica. Why don’t you go first? Okay, I’m gon na go with this, so it happens, is Nica draws a card, and now she has two different people she can choose from each card has a number on it number eight to one, and eight is the princess.

That’S where you want that’s like sort of guaranteed to win, and then one is a guard and if an each card lets you do a different things. So say what card you’re gon na play and what that card does I’m going to use the guard? Okay, I get to name a non guard card guard card and choose another player. If that player has that card, then she he or she is out of the round. I’M going to choose grant and I’m going to say that you also have a guard.

You can’t say: guard you have to be a different card. Ask me: none guard come on guards. Yeah, I’m gon na say that you have a you, have a Barret nope. Ah all right! That was good!

Okay, so you could discards the guard – and this shows us you know yeah. This shows us how many of a car turn against us five guards. How many of those four guards left grant? Okay draw a card draw a card. Okay.

I will play a guard all right, uh and I think that and has a handmade. So if you have a handmade, I do not okay, so you don’t so grant just discards. His guard, okay, like what that tells us, is that we both have something that is not a garden. You both have something. That’S not a guard.

You do not have a baron, you do not have a handmaid and that lets us. So then we start doing badly. Parliament instruction yeah yeah and there is also one card in there – that’s kind of the wild card. We don’t know which one is in there yeah, we don’t know what’s in here in the basic yeah so so draw sorry. Look at em be okay, so draw card.

Sorry, I can’t do my science. Alright got a lot on my mind, today’s about this alekos game. It’S awesome. It’S been a really big week. It’S kind of weird yeah, it’s kind of there is hair okay.

So with my two cards I want to do, I want to do something with right, so choose one of them based on that okay, so you want to keep the higher value, but also the card that is most useful to you at the time. So, oh, okay, that makes sense so it’s like you can also switch off and do one that is higher value because the the card as you use it, is more useful to you than though so do I want to show the car that I want to you’re. Gon na play a party and do what that card does yeah. Okay, you’ve got a baron meet you at another player. Secretly, compare him see so then I have to choose yeah.

I choose someone that so no here’s the thing you’re gon na choose a person. You’Re gon na secretly compare hands. The player who has the lower value card is out of the round. So if someone has a priest or a guard, then they’re gon na be out of the round gone and they’re. Okay, if you choose, someone excuse me and their card is higher than a three, then you are out of the round.

What’S really interesting about playing this card now. Is that there’s more guards than anything else? We’Ve only seen two guards come out so mathematically. It’S likely there are three there’s five cards left in the deck. That could be good for you, and there are two four five.

Six there’s at least six seven that are bad for you, okay, although you’re taking a slightly less than a coin, flip to knock somebody out of the game, but she could have something much higher than a bearing yeah. That’S true yeah yeah, and then you know also that that gives you additional okay, so um. I would like to secretly look good your card all right, so look at my hand. Look at my card secretly, so secret school, you know both. Compare!

Yes! Is that yes, yes yeah, so let me see, let me see your hand, okay and I had a guard. So I’m out, oh, that’s how well run on the tabletop between everybody all right, so, okay, so I put this in there yeah importantly, three guards are gone. Yep and normally on table tough. We don’t like to play games that have player elimination, but the thing is love letter plays so fast that it’s it’s, it’s not a problem, and this is if we were to do this on the on the show, then we would play love letter, probably also COO, And probably another bluffing game it’d be like a you know: a series of quick casual bluffing games, yeah all right, so uh go ahead.

Nico what’re you gon na do I am going to play the priest and which means I get to look at another player’s hand. I’M gon na pick an actually alright guys. I would like to see what I can feel like she’s asking to look up my dress that escalated quickly. Okay, that kind of a game did you know I got no complaints right. The heartbeat, I was just stroking my arm for any particular okay.

I do like that she’s blushing, nothing yeah! I actually was the wing clutch, I’m kind of uh you’re always blush. I know. Okay, all right here we go good movement. People like super straight.

Really. Yes, we’re supposed to have him separated this way so weak. You don’t have to separate them. I choose to separate them just cuz. It makes it easier to process.

Okay, okay, I play the guard. Oh, oh egad, you have a prince. Now you join your husband. Ah, yeah they’re out, look at that grant. It’S just you another one team waiting, nothing, but you know what that’s right leaves your couches also the porn cottage.

Thank you. Oh my my oh boy. Oh wait! Now it gets interesting yeah. That was some great deductions need to get to.

I guess was it at least an educated guess, yeah. I am going to go balls out. They say Baron, you and another player, secretly compare hands, but right now we don’t need to because everyone else out of the game, the player with the lower value, is out of the round. Oh, this is how I’m gon na head flip up up ready. One.

Two three I’m going to Robin I’m home exams. You can apply everything says: let’s play the haughty letters, you can letters to myself. One of the two hand means was the card that was out alright good. We could wonder how right now suit. So when you play live letter, you agree at the beginning of the game.

How many points you’re going to play to each one of these cards? Represents you? Don’T here’s a good point? I’Ve got you’ve gotten one letter through to the princess. Congratulations!

That’S very! That’S! Very delightful yeah um, so now we will go ahead and mix these up again. Um love letter lat last year when tabletop won the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in gaming. One of the finalists was love letter.

No yeah yeah and I thought love letter was gon na win because it’s such a fun game and it and it it’s one of those things that, like you, said, put this game into the world. That’S super portable that can live in your bag that, like never, you know, never gets old and and can be taught super super quick yeah. It’S a quick to learn, I didn’t think about it as being in mine game, like the other ones. That I have is things like Colorado, so would you actually have to play that on a table yeah, but that one is you just wrote the cart so portable all right grant you go first, all right, princess! Okay, let’s see what why not?

No, the thing with the princess is that if you discard the princess, you lose the game and the last time I was playing this when we did our big super-fun tabletop day announcement party over at the golden row brewery I had the princess and the player to My left did a compare and I was like I got to get rid of this princess, but I can’t get rid of this princess cuz. I’M gon na lose the game. If I give her this princess and I’m like, I got to get a trade hands, I got to get a trades hands that I didn’t and it came around and she was like you’re gon na discard that oh yeah, it’s not like sending them out to pasture. Like what do you do? You know?

I think you live them. Yes, princess is gone suddenly, can you send the princess to a castle upstage the princesses? Do we have the one in there right? So we there is a card hidden in the West, sac, okay, um. Thank you, the first, I will be playing the hand me.

The hammer gives me immunity from any effects of all you guys up till next time. Just keep her in front of you. So we know that that’s not your horse, yeah yeah, yeah and you’re up Drock hard, okay, Hugh Inc um. So then I play one of these cards correct. I would like to play and the prints choose any player, including yourself to discard his or her hand.

Your new card, okay, so I will, if you don’t like the card that you have, you could play it on yourself, okay, okay, I I will have Iike that want watch. Should I flip it over yeah to see what I have yeah. You are the kid. Oh, the cat is really interesting. You draw amazing yeah wow that that tells me all.

I need to know. Oh great one, okay, hey um, it’s time for us to cut down to a me downstairs. Is it not time to cut to a me downstairs, keeps me away what happened? We got, we got the side and then we got the know. I saw the sign yeah.

I know I did all right open up all right now. Don’T you ha ha ha ha monster. Okay. My turn I’m gon na do this. Okay, you’re with me too huh, I’m going to play a guard now and um.

Let’S see what we have, we’ve had a handmaid come out, we have green and a king. This is already with this see nonsense. Nika, do you have a priest? No all right then go yay, I’m not out already. That would be lame.

I’Ve made a part of the night in the first part. This is a really easy one. I’M gon na play the guard, so I get to name a non guard card um out of nowhere, I’m going to say that you also have a prince. You can’t cuz he’s, got the human hand maidens, okay, but that’s what that would be so useful on I’m going to say, I want something for you. Uh-Huh uh me to win the game.

I’D like yes, um, I’m gon na just go crazy and say that you have a princess. I do not have a princess ah, but if, if I that wants to Benson it wouldn’t yeah would nonsense right here. Alright, just take your hand made and put her out. Okay hand mades out of play now, so I’m susceptible yeah. I supposed to put this over there to you.

Alright, the funny thing is, I didn’t even look at my hand, so I didn’t know I had a king, so I just sort of flipped it over and was just really sad. You know what I think I’m gon na be protected up for another round. Yes, yeah! That’S right. Thank me campaign.

That’S great wait! You mean a new one yeah, it’s a new one, there’s two on the deck and grants drum both of them yeah. So you’re up. I have protection. Okay, so I’m gon na draw a car, be a princess countess.

One more please um, I am, I have the the guard eat so I’m going to so then I have to say what I think someone has yes, but it has to be an on guard card. I know, sir, you can’t say you have a bar and you cannot pick me because so let’s pick one hand of us, okay, I’m gon na say: will you have a priest card? I do not have a priest car, so we are gon na go down to a me downstairs. So hey Amy, what’s going on, okay, so um, what happened while you were gone, is grant grant accurately predicted that an had the princess knocked her out of the game. I had the Baron which lets me compare and force a card to be discarded.

The only thing lower than the Baron that would be in the game is the priest. I thought maybe grant had the priest because Nika kept not having the priest and then it turns out that the one time I ask granny baby contest Nika actually had the priest, I’m out of the game. Nikola has a lower card than grant grant wins, grant won the experimental second round whatever, and we replayed a three points. So there’s so friendly. I have a target.

Priests will get one. It was the most beautiful thing, but I did I Coco you poker face it briefly. Yeah, if Leonard is confused, sounds like I think so. We’Re gon na put a card in the web stack up, Sally, come sat and grit you’re gon na go first again. Okay, grant ah draws card.

Okay uh place the guard hard uh. I think that NECA has priests. No, that would have been great yeah. I’M just going to change my twitter name. Tamika.

Has it free, like everything in your room, is my turn? Okay? So then I draw a card and I’m going to I’m gon na guard it up eat and I’m going to say that you have a something you have over the priest. You have a No ah-choo guard, say: okay, let’s see, grant you, have a priest lay low legs, somebody has connections with priests or you. Let me tell you what am i?

What am i free? It’S a little gone when I play poker is. I would rather be lucky than good you’re up, yeah, hmm, okay, um! You know what I’m gon na handmaiden. This whoa, don’t even touch me, which means you too.

What’S all wait so yeah, I’m yeah, oh yeah, ooh, you know I I win grant. Yes, you did it quite well at my dad. Thank you um. I would like to priest. Oh, you can only look at my hand, cuz she say.

Yeah. Look at yours! She’S, like that, doesn’t change my decision at all, and so now you know what well no. I am okay, but he doesn’t know what you have when you might not in my face. No okay, it’s not a compare.

It’S just to look. I have a guard and um. Oh man he’s new and do you have a prince nope? I forgot what I have you lot cooler if you did alright, alright, okay, oh, that is lame. Okay, I just oh.

I just got outed really hard. If you have the King or the pre or the Prince uh-huh, and clearly because I drew the countess, it means I have one of those cars or you could have the princess or I could have the princess but either way you’re pretty high up right. Look at your inner or you could just choose to discard that card. True, I also just like because we do know based on how upset you got that you have the case. I have nothing but I’m just like just made sad faces um.

I am going to handmaiden force, you all right, you and me wise choice. Why do you eat? Will what do you get? Oh, please don’t tell me that it’s gon na be one card. I have a print, so you need to discard your king and draw on your hand.

I have the Prince. I unfortunately else a difference, hopefully all right. So it’s awesome that our princes ran off together, yeah new land, where I can cogs a new land called New Hampshire where they can be the New Hampshire princes yeah yeah suffer worse. I I also support this choice, so this is my new card, and this is the last card of it. So who’s doing the game right now, uh and me, then I have for sale date.

Oh My heavens, she’s forced it. Okay, um well and that’s the last card so uh. I have to yes well a that um, unfortunately, and I have to pick what you have, and this is your the princess: do the princess? Did you? Oh, that’s great princess going yeah, it goes away and you have a chance to win this round.

Yeah. We have to flip uh. I know what she has I’m already chef, but there’s one or the mystery card in the website. Does she choose that? What if we tie, what happens?

Do you flip or do she is the fist thing? It’S: okay, honey. We have to have a pillow fight yeah, you know if it’s how you both get a point. If there’s okay, that’s out, that’s! I was gon na share, but instead it was fist fighting and I’m like I’m down for either of those things all right.

So somebody’s like a king, somebody’s cousin, we tied you tied you yeah. She is safe from all of us, yeah ain’t. No, the Kings are back yeah we’re gon na have an intervention for the Kings. He spent so much time. So there’s really not enough time to play another game, full game of love letters, so I’m gon na declare I’m going to declare grant the winner yeah letter.

Congratulations Anamika gets second place is through. I will be like I will be on the walls go get where I belong. I will buy yourself and listen. We’Re sound with mice, with my love sack, but listen. So we’re we’re just about done.

We’Ve just about finished our livestream for today um so Felicia. Do you want to come over and uh I’m gon na? Do this lounger, hey? Okay? Is it like a singer song so now that this is over, like tabletop day actually starts free cuz I get to go just play games.

I know I’m working um, but I wanted to just say I wanted to say thank you to you for giving me an opportunity to make this show to make this thing happen and to everyone all over the world that has been part of this with us today. Thank you. I hope that you have shared the joy of gaming, that that means so much to me and so much to everyone here with the new people in your life, and maybe people have been in your life really long time. So thanks for that – and I understand that we’re already being just like massively overwhelmed with support for season three – I know thank you guys, I really and and I’m and I just think it’s super awesome. So, thank you to everyone for all of your support, not just with the you know, making season three go, but just over the last two years of letting me play games with my friends or my job, this yeah.

This has been great, there’s nothing better than just making things that are completely out of the box and being able to make them for people who appreciate it. So thank you for allowing us to do what we do and it’s awesome and what I’m going to go play game yeah! Listen until we see you next time at tabletop day or on tabletop play more games.

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