This jigsaw puzzle transforms into a 3D Christmas Tree…at least that was the plan

This jigsaw puzzle transforms into a 3D Christmas Tree…at least that was the plan

I truly don’t know how they made this 3D puzzle

I truly don’t know how they made this 3D puzzle

The World’s Most Difficult 3D Jigsaw Puzzle. At least, that's what they claim.

The World’s Most Difficult 3D Jigsaw Puzzle. At least, that’s what they claim.

The World’s Most Difficult 3D Jigsaw At least, that’s what they The World’s Most Difficult 3D Jigsaw Puzzle claims to be the ultimate test for puzzle Released in 1992, the concept behind these puzzles is that they…

Doing a Puzz3D Lamp *that actually lights up*

Doing a Puzz3D Lamp *that actually lights up*

Doing a Puzz3D Lamp Hi everybody welcome back to karen Today i have a very special It is my sister katie puzzles, hi So i’ve gotten a handful of questions over the years asking why i…

Doing a 3D Ferris Wheel Puzzle *that actually turns*

Doing a 3D Ferris Wheel Puzzle *that actually turns*

Doing a 3D Ferris Wheel Puzzle Why is this so hard? Oh wait! Oh! No! No! No! Oh! No! Wait! Oh! No! It’S collapsing! It’S all collapsing! [ Music, ], hi everyone! So recently on this channel, i did…

Doing a DOUBLE-SIDED 3D Christmas Puzzle

Doing a DOUBLE-SIDED 3D Christmas Puzzle

Doing a DOUBLE-SIDED 3D Christmas Puzzle Oh, no, no, it came This is a struggle Where does this piece go? Oh, no, my stairs fell down hello, everybody and merry Can you believe we have finally…