Rating all the puzzles I did while being burned out from making puzzle videos

Rating all the puzzles I did while being burned out from making puzzle videos

Rating all the puzzles I did while being burned out from making puzzle Hi guys, so I have been doing a lot of puzzles lately and I have just been so busy and exhausted that I did the puzzles…

The Worst Brain teaser I’ve Ever Done

The Worst Brain teaser I’ve Ever Done Hi, everyone welcome back to Karen puzzles, so I’m hoping that today’s puzzle is going to be a quick This is another brain teaser from Yuu It’s called the bird 11…

How Many *Total* Puzzle Pieces Do I Have? (and other nerdy statistics)

How Many Total Puzzle Pieces Do I Have? (and other nerdy statistics)

How Many Total Puzzle Pieces Do I Have? Hi everyone welcome back to Karen puzzles, so, as you saw in my previous video, I just reorganized my entire puzzle So now I can actually see all of the…

Why is this 16 Piece Puzzle so difficult??

Why is this 16 Piece Puzzle so difficult??

Why is this 16 Piece Puzzle so difficult  Oh no, I think I made a Oh no, oh my god wait! No, I’m so close hi! Everyone welcome back to Karen puzzles, so I just spent over a…

Can I solve this 10 piece puzzle? (Oleo 10 Puzzle)

Can I solve this 10 piece puzzle? (Oleo 10 Puzzle)

Can I solve this 10 piece puzzle? (Oleo 10 Puzzle) Hi everyone welcome back to karen Today i am taking on the olio Is that what it’s called? Yes olio10, but it’s a level eight, which is…