The Beautiful Cross Puzzle - Solved and Explained!

The Beautiful Cross Puzzle – Solved and Explained!

Solving The IMPOSSIBLE TITAN Puzzle!

Solving The IMPOSSIBLE TITAN Puzzle! What’s up guys and welcome back! This little guy, as you can tell by the intro, very pleasing, aesthetically pleasing puzzle, this is known as the titan puzzle by Felix Felix sent me this…

A 5 Piece Puzzle so hard my sister had to help me solve it (Wave Puzzle 5 by Yuu Asaka)

A 5 Piece Puzzle so hard my sister had to help me solve it (Wave Puzzle 5 by Yuu Asaka)

Wave Puzzle 5 by Yuu Asaka Why is this so hard? This puzzle was diabolical, so this puzzle is so hard that I had to bring in my sister Katie to help me solve Hi Katie So…