The simples type of an Steam Engine!

The simples type of an Steam Engine! #shorts

The simples type of an Steam Engine!

This is probably one of the simplest engine designs available. It’S a steam engine, a bladeless radial steam engine to make it work. I had to fill this boiler up here with water and down here in this, can there is a bit of ethanol, which is our energy source to feed our flame down here? If I light it up, the flame starts boiling the water. So now enough water turned into steam, the steam will start exiting these nozzles and, of course, start pushing this Rotator here in the other direction, and you can see already when I give it a quick push.

It starts spinning already getting faster and faster still increasing man. This is fun to watch, listen, how this sounds like and once the flame is off. Since the fuel is consumed, it will immediately slow down and come to rest


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