This is What HARDCORE Sleight of Hand Looks Like!

This is What HARDCORE Sleight of Hand Looks Like!!

This is What HARDCORE Sleight of Hand Looks Like!

Have you guys ever seen stranger things in the latest season? There’s a guy called Vacna right and so I’ve seen this trend on the internet, i’m not sure if it works, but we’ll try it out. We’ve got a normal deck of cards here and we’re gonna use the four aces and we’re gonna place them in the deck now. The next thing we have to do is write down the word Vecna. Is it c, I think it’s c and then we take, we take the deck we place it down in the center.

Take this place it on top and the final piece is, you have to play your favorite song and then you give it a few seconds and something should happen all right hold on. Let me start the song here. Look at it go, there’s one there’s two three and four one: two three and four. What’s up guys and welcome back, you might be wondering Chris, why are you dressed like you are hungover and the answer is I felt like it not hungover at all. Actually, a few things one uh, we got a sale going on right now at first dot, shop, 20 off all playing cards our summer sale for a limited time.

All the playing cards on our website are 20 off right now. So if you’re looking, you were thinking about getting decks and you’re, like I don’t know, maybe the shipping’s too high or whatever it is well now you got 20 off of your order, so check it out first dot shop. Secondly, my friend noel heath who’s, an absolute beast: we’ve reacted to his cardistry things before and his magic videos, his sleight of hand, videos rather and he’s an absolute animal when it comes to cardistry magic, uh. Anything of that nature – and he hit me up and he’s like hey man, I have this new video. I put out called snap, it’s sleight of hand by jack, Payton, Patton and he’s like.

I think A lot of this is really mind-blowing and that you’re gonna love it so I haven’t watched it yet um. Unfortunately, the music i’m not gonna, because I don’t know if it’s like royalty-free, music or anything else and i’m and the music is really cool. So I’ll try to like match some of the jazzy vibes he put in that video, but anyways we’re going to start there leave a like subscribe. Let’s get into it.

Can we start at the beginning with sound, maybe jack? What’s like? What’s your thing? Oh that’s! Uh!

That’s really upsetting, how do you say card magic and they bleeped it out all right. Let me take off the sound here, not sure how I missed that. That was insane not that you need me to tell you how insane that was, but yeah i’m editing and I thought I’d just throw that in there miss that all right carry on enjoy the video called snap. Here we go: wait. Wow, that’s cool whoa wow hold on what was that that’s kind of insane actually whoa.

I don’t even know how uh wild noel said. There’s gonna be a lot of sliding whoa. He said, there’s gonna be a lot of sleight of hand here that i’m gonna like because this guy’s, like nobody, knows about him, apparently underground guy the sleight of hand, but he’s like a lot of these moves are original. Oh, my god, that is insane. I don’t know what to categorize as an ace production but like how do we?

Ah it’s so dope, very original, what the classic day playing snap change all right. There’s the snap change wait a second hold on. He does something here with this snap change because he starts with two fingers and then I think ends with two fingers, because that’s something interesting that you can do you can start here and get your finger back. I guess, or maybe he’s using the third finger. Let’s have a look, so maybe he’s here third finger and then left with two fingers.

It’s kind of difficult, we’ll see how he does it. Oh my god, like I don’t even know, I have never been so badly fooled by a snap change. That is insane wait. How is he doing that, because a snap change normally guys is? Is this right?

It’s like it’s you’re pulling the card back and that’s what it looks like and it’s okay. You know it was one of the first card changes that was made public on tv by David, Blaine and popularized, but he does something here which i’m not sure what he’s doing, if he’s grabbing it with the third finger, real quickly kind of, I don’t even know, Dude, I think it is with a third finger, but I can’t tell that is nuts. Is he wearing a grill, this guy’s, a g? Okay, oh What wow?

I love this guy style. This is amazing, all right, three clubs, what whoa some cardistry? Oh? What the hell, oh, my god, wait, hold on. Let’s go back here for a second there’s.

A lot going on in this particular cut. Look at this boom gets his hand through, and then I don’t know how that happens. What I literally don’t understand. Excuse me: what is he doing with his finger he’s like flicking what okay hold on that was instant? How is he doing that dude?

I couldn’t even make that look good with like, like a 20 magic gimmick and those are just regular cards folks. Well, I missed that one too. This is insane what look at the left screen look at the left, not the bagpipe, lady. There have no idea. Ah, that’s so cool!

I love that he like I don’t I don’t understand, he’s got cards in his thumb tip. I love the style and the uh the vibe of this video wish. You guys could hear the music. The music’s really good, too go check it out I’ll, let the link below by the way. If you want to watch this in its entirety and study, it is using the back of his finger here.

What wait, how actually, how what that is not possible! I’M sorry! Where did the card go eh, I have no physical wave. I have no understanding of how that same card – I don’t know: okay, okay, all right he’s just flexing on us at this point. That’s insane!

This guy have an Instagram. What planet is he from jack Payton? Honestly, truly um, absolutely impressed by this incredible gentleman here. Um did not see that coming did not expect. I mean it’s been a long time I’ll be I’ll.

Be quite frank: it’s been a long time since I haven’t seen sleight of hand magic that um. That really inspired me, and this is one of those videos. It’s insane, i’m gonna have to watch this like two three times over, at least i’m a big fan. Thank you to noel heath for filming this and putting this guy on the map, because I think this guy deserves it. I love his swagger, his style.

I like uh, that he doesn’t take himself too seriously and I love the fact that he absolutely mastered uh things that don’t exist. Yet you know – and that’s really where it’s at you see that in cardistry. A lot, too, is where a lot of these guys, they master techniques that they’ve invented so you’re, not even mastering something that you can uh find a tutorial for, and it makes it when you’re inventing a trick. I’ve invented a few sites and sometimes they’re just ideas that you can’t even do, because your hands can’t even do those things yet and so you’re practicing not knowing. If the payoff is going to be worthwhile because you don’t even know if it’ll look good at the end of it, so you’re trying to master something that your hands don’t even have the capacity to do yet you’ve never seen anyone else.

Do it and it’s one of those things that’s really inspiring, because when you look at that you’re like man, those people are dedicated to their craft dedicated so much like they want to create something original and new from the ground up and they have no there’s no Precursor, there’s nothing, you know to get them to that point. So it’s really cool to see people who’ve stretched the limits of their personal potential and uh and yeah. I don’t know pretty dope. What do you guys think right? Lee hit me up with a bunch of links: uh we’re gonna check a few of them out.

I still can’t get that video out of my head by the way that’s gonna haunt me for the next. I don’t know how long it’s absolutely insane quantum locking. Oh, I think I’ve seen this one check this out. This is like literally a real ufo. Oh my god.

The fact that you can like stall it in a certain direction, is kind of crazy, i’m not sure uh. If that’s how ufos work but also aliens. You know what i’m saying never seen anything like this before. Oh, this is Mario Lopez. Let’s see if I’ve seen this video, he is an absolute genius when it comes to sleight of hand magic, not only cards, but he does like you might have seen this agt thing with, like the cigarette uh insane artists love him to death.

Let’s check this out. Okay, all right a little ribbon spread turnover all right, nothing new here, oh, oh! What how’s he doing that hey what how come! I’ve never seen this before so sick, highly original, very cool. What do you guys think?

What’s the uh? What’s the deal behind that you think all right? Next, it says: is this cgi all right, we’ll be the judge of that two decks? Oh I’ve seen this one before three I’ve seen the I’ve seen the creator of this trick in blackpool England. You showed this to me and I think I have it laying around somewhere, but it is really well made and uh and very fooling, but it does look like cgi.

Definitely when you look at it not only adds a little change there. Wait are all the cards blue now, hey that was a good performance, very nice, very nice, uh years of practice or natural skill. Oh, I think I’ve seen this wandering around the internet somewhere, look at this guy watch when you catch a fish but like don’t kill it just yet and just throw it on the uh on the beach four ace card shuffle trick. Oh this is Jason laden uh. He is an absolute monster: I’ve uh I’ve known this guy for years.

I’ve seen him live at magic, live in Vegas and he was doing some demonstrations for me, but he is probably one of the best card shufflers in the world in terms of like gambling demonstrations. Like he’s up there with Richard turner – and he is uh – he’s an absolute beast so yeah, maybe we will turn the volume on for this one as a casino. That’s a legit shuffle when they open up a brand new deck of cards prevents all methods of cheating. Now, on this page, I beat it about 15 20 times already, and one of my favorite things is the tick tock hater comments and people say that it’s completely fake, so i’m gonna do something in a moment and i’m just dying to find out what you Guys are saying, first of all, there’s no aces on top or bottom i’m going to give the cards a couple shuffles like this, and I want you to pay attention to when I shuffle you’ll see the top cards change and the bottom cards change as well, and That’s not going to stop me from finding an ace now I’ll shuffle again, and you can see again that the top cards change the bottom cards change and that’s not going to stop you from finding an ace. This time you might be thinking well, yeah.

Not only do you shuffle the cards, but you also have to cut the cards. It’s not going to stop me done this particular thing on this page, a handful of times as well, people always say i’m palming the cards. Nothing in my right hand, nothing in my left hand that last ace – the ace of spades should be right about here. So i’m dying to read these comments. I just absolutely love ignorance and confidence together.

Amazing Jason is uh, he’s a mask like this is actually his performing style as well. If you’ve ever seen him perform close-up, I highly suggest looking him up and getting to see one of his close-up shows or hiring him for your events, because when you see him live, do this stuff, he not only is doing these demonstrations, but he is talking to You in the manner that he talks in the video he’s very cocky, very confident, but he knows that he’s put decades of work into this and that anyone trying to heckle or call him out he will swiftly put them back in their seat. And it’s one of the beautiful things watching this guy perform because he has that confidence. I think he is from New York or new jersey or something so he’s got that sort of swagger that east coast swagger when he goes to perform and everybody’s having a good time. You know so, if you’re the one to call him out, obviously he’s going to call you out, but in a good way and everybody’s enjoying it uh great performer, MasterCard, handler all right.

It says kid doing black magic on his friends. Oh we missed it. We missed it play again play again, yeah, no idea that happened so fast. What the hell, what look how proud he is he realizes how the other guy’s brain is. Just melting watch look, look his face, love!

It amazing! Onion becomes transparent under water explanations. Anyone well you’ve come to the right channel. We’re gonna explain the hell out of this. Let’s go, onion becomes transparent under what wait hold on.

Is that real? That is crazy. I don’t know if it becomes transparent or it’s simply like. I don’t know yep you’re right, no idea, that’s impossible. I believe the fbi are knocking on your door as we speak record player.

Zoetrope love these things all right, so he’s got look at that whoa. So because those lights there are acting as like a strobe and they are they’re sort of strobing. You can’t see it because it’s so fast, but with the with the sort of uh, I guess the I guess would be like the shutter speed or the frame rate of the camera mixed with the speed of the strobes uh you’re. Only seeing certain images it’s like when you uh, when you start watching like a wheel, turn really fast, then it looks like it’s turning backwards. So it’s that same type of thing, but this guy sort of mastered the mathematics behind it and just created a really cool illusion out of it.

Let’s watch it again, so it’s just spinning here you see and now he’s gonna on his app hit that strobe and now it just looks like those triangles or those little tetrahedrons are sort of tumbling down these in oh, my god, my head’s. It doesn’t make any sense to my brain right now: love that people take science to the next level and mold different scientific principles together to create art, always cool, we’ll stop it there. Thanks for watching, I haven’t done this in a while, but it felt so good. So if you did enjoy it, leave a like subscribe, uh check out noel’s channel by the way heath cards he started. His own channel he’s got his own playing cards.

You can check those out or you can check out my card we’ll see on the next video.


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