Solving The ZOMBIE OUTBREAK Puzzle!!

Solving The ZOMBIE OUTBREAK Puzzle!!

Solving The ZOMBIE OUTBREAK Puzzle!

Yo, what’s up guys and welcome back sorry, i uh not feeling so well. I got attacked by this homeless guy on the way home, there’s a whole thing, and he he bit me uh a little sweaty luke. We take five yeah sure now: [ Music, ] yay, [, Music, ] chris. How are we gon na do this? I don’t know how we’re gon na do this he’s not cooperating at all now he’s drooling now he’s drooling all right.

Let’S go bro hot damn! You can do it bro hot dang. You think you can turn the timer on. Ah, what’s up so yeah, kick that virus real, quick uh! Welcome back!

This is the zombie outbreak response team, otherwise known as zort by cool escape props uh. These guys have sent me a puzzle in the past and it was a lot of fun, so i asked them to send me another one just for such an occasion. Uh for halloween. We got the zombie zombie themed puzzle so before we get started. Here’S a quick word from our sponsors, [, Music ].

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Don’T forget to like and subscribe if you enjoy this content, let’s get to the bottom of this um all right. So this is a lot like the other one. We had solved the bomb one uh where they’re like i mean there seems to be a lot of similarities. So i think getting into this puzzle is gon na, be a breeze uh. For instance, here uh you can probably see right there.

We got these colored wires and they lead to there and on the back here, we’ve got like a serial code or a barcode uh. So red is one. So one is the second number here we’re gon na go to one here. Uh, yellow is eight, so we’re gon na go yellow being the first one. Green is three and blue is five.

So green is three and blue is five. Hey there we go. We got the key. So, let’s, let’s get started with this uh with this thing here here we go all right. Zombie outbreak response, team, boot sequence complete!

Thank you. This is kind of cool, oh place. Finger in box until scan is complete, got ta, love that eh it’s game complete scanning for human dna. All right, we are human. Everything is good.

Human dna detect detected all right. Cognitive exam, observe the chromosome illumination sequence. Oh that i missed the first one that one that one i missed the first one that one so that one that one that one that one that one that one that one that one so now it’s like boom boom boom boom boom. Oh it’s just the colors! All right we start again, it should be pretty easy.

So green, green [, Music, ], green [, Music, ] green, wait. What they’re all green, [ Music ] wait a second [ Music ], oh okay, so the the symbols here, as you can see, they have different uh, different colors, [, Music, ], all right, so green, uh, sorry, x, chromosome long x, there’s x y, that’s x, x, Y x x, x y big x, small x y x y big x, small x y x y, big x, small x y, big x, fish fish symbol. Let’S try it out. I need to write him down: [ Music, ], xy, [, Music, ], ah, okay, the x y is good that one’s good and like a big x, small x, x y, big x, small x, [ Music, ] y x y, big x, small x y uh crooked X, x y big x, small x y crooked x, [ Music, ] fish x y, big x, small x y crooked x, fish. That’S what we’re going with so x y [, Music, ], big x, small x y [, Music ].

Ah, almost there x y big x, small x, we got that far y. We got that one too. It’S the next one x y big x, small x y crooked x, fish x y, big x, small x y crooked x, fish x y, big x, small x y [, Music ]. What that was 100 right, xy big x, [, Music, ] small x. The fate of the world is resting on this right now and i’m drawing blanks xy big x, small xy eggs.

That’S a crooked x, fish symbol. Little little fishy, all right! This should be. We we got this. Just don’t do what we did last time.

We should be good um, x, y, big x, small x y, yes, fish cognitive ability, confirmed success touched the screen to proceed. Yes, please command control, so fire control, command. Communication drone antidote. You have an urgent communication directive, all right. Let’S go to communication communication frequency 1.

. Gigahertz, a vessel in the middle east has been identified as what we have nicknamed the virus vessel providers with evil working to proliferate. The zombie virus, when the vessel moves from port to port different strains of the virus, are used to contaminate the local populations. We have intel identifying the ship’s current location as latitude. I needed those i guarantee you, those longitude latitude.

The vessel will not remain indefinitely access and destroy the ship with extreme prejudice with extreme prejudice. Well, okay, let’s go to drone target, coordinate inputs, get yup longitude invalid. Obviously, get me out of here me back the main menu. How do i get back to the main menu press 0 to return to the main menu? Okay, so communications?

Here we go. We got ta, listen carefully! I’M gon na take a picture. If there were multiple people here, we could probably remember a different series of numbers each because this is made for like more than one person, so i’m using a phone roast me if you like in the comments, you would do the haven’t same the ship’s current location As latitude 36.34269 longitude 43.

368, all right here we go drone. Is this cheating? I don’t think so you guys would be just watching me for 30 minutes, go back and forth that communication message message coming out to the same outcome as taking a picture. So i saved you and me the trouble hit the like button. All right.

Let’S go three six three, four, eight two, six nine enter! Oh, that’s! That’S longitude! Okay, longitude, four, three one: three, six, seven, eight eight got it: [ Music, ], now latitude, three, six. Three!

Four, eight two: six nine enter boom: let’s go drop a bomb on these zombies, [, Music, ], enter command mode to direct air strike command mode air strike ready in ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four three two spat all over this thing. Let me wipe my fingerprints off of this thing too fire here. It is take care of those walkers. I hope we put in the right. Uh coordinates.

Imagine they weren’t the right coordinates destroyed, got him cool. Oh new communication received: let’s go to communication frequency 1.8 gigahertz. 1
8 gigahertz was that us, dr sebastian, alexander’s body, was recovered with a sketch on her napkin. This sketch is mostly legible use.

The information in the sketch to program formulation features of the case to synthesize all right. So i got the picture here and oh okay, so it goes away. So we need to go to antidote. I’M guessing! Okay, oh cool molecular!

Synthesizer! Oh cool! Okay. So, as you can see i’ll put the picture up here, so you can see the sort of sequence that this has so uh. This would be nitrogen boom because nitrogen is blue.

Oh this makes sense. This should be easy. O is oxygen oxygen, nitrogen here carbon there. We go carbon’s like a dark white carbon over here: oxygen: oxygen, carbon. I really feel like i’m cheating at this point with this photo, but i could have gone back and just seen the message again again.

I’M saving you and me both the time. If we were a group of people here, it might go a lot uh swifter, but uh, hey we’re doing it this way. Okay, wait! Damn did i mess up carbon oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, nitrogen, carbon hydrogen? It’S only one hydrogen atom there.

That should be good. Oh cool! Molecular test alpha 3.2 peptide, carbon stability, 90 satisfactory hydrogen 7 hex configurate, dual peptide bono, test oxygen composition. Imagine that this guy’s been working for years years on a solution to this disease and we’ve, and we just did it failure; okay, maybe not all right, calm down.

Let me try again antidote try one more time all right, so this here is is nitrogen? That’S nitrogen! That’S oxygen! Yep, that’s oxygen! This is carbon.

This is hydrogen [, Music. ]! Oh, is that an h or an n? That’S probably what it was. That’S probably the problem looks like it could be either.

So it’s probably an h, that’s probably what we got wrong. There oxygen carbon right, carbon oxygen, nitrogen carbon done, synthesis, simulator number two: why is it red there? Did i get that one wrong? I think we got it there’s no way we didn’t get that that’s definitely an oxygen molecule, yeah baby, this scientist, you know what he’s good for nothing. If he couldn’t figure that out kind of a scientist can’t even figure you know, does he not have an iphone to take pictures of the molecule idiot all right synthesis reproduction go 9576 baby.

I mean yeah, okay press to create antidote. Let’S go. We got ta get rid of this z variant. It’S all it takes to make an antidote by the way, if you’re wondering press to retrieve antidote. Ah, it’s so cool whoa, cool, i’ll uh i’ll use my trusty high-tech technology to take a photo of this and i’ll leave that there.

So we don’t have to keep looking at that. We can keep an eye on this one instead, so antidote formulator antidote. 9576. So you think nine five, seven six, maybe we just have to take like the uh [ Music ]. Oh, it says here: lithium, carbon oxygen, hydrogen, easy, okay, lithium is what three?

Let me go three here. That makes sense right. Carbon carbon is six. I know that from high school three six oxygen is eight and hydrogen is one: oh did we use the other key or we just turn it? Oh it just turns, and that is it.

I think i think that’s it yeah, that’s the uh. You go, ladies and gentlemen, that is the antidote and we have successfully solved this puzzle in 20 minutes. That’S got to be a record time thanks to the uh thanks to technology, you know what’s funny is i think this? Is it? Do we drink this?

I guess we must say that, doesn’t that does not smell like something i should drink, but how cool does this look? Is that it? I think, that’s it. I think we got the antidote we created it, that’s it um. So the ending to this is a little anti-climactic if i’m gon na be honest, i loved the games and i loved the look of this on the inside.

I wish there was like an extra little part like once. You got this to like, maybe place them in here or something you know and then administer the antidote through an airplane. I don’t know just something extra because i feel like i feel like we breezed through that pretty quickly and what’s funny is that most of the times you guys are yelling at me, because i’m an idiot – and i can’t figure things out fast enough and now you’re, Probably yelling at me thinking i figured things out too fast, so you know what i can’t. You can’t make everyone happy, except this guy, i’m always happy. This is a great uh fun puzzle i enjoyed it.

Hope you guys enjoyed it a little bit of a halloween special um, very cool. Looking, as you can see here, looks pretty dope uh. If you guys want to check this out, i left the link below to this company. They’Ve got all sorts of games some more difficult than others uh, but this is definitely a lot of fun. They retailed around 1200, so not cheap, but obviously a lot of work went into this programming, etc.

You got a tablet here, so you know well worth the money in my opinion, especially for escape rooms uh, where you’re charging people to come in and do these escapes um. You know what i mean, so i i think well worthwhile uh great work once again. Thanks for watching happy, halloween and we’ll see you on the next video

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