Solving a Simple Brass Puzzle 😌

Solving a Simple Brass Puzzle 😌

Solving a Simple Brass Puzzle

I don’t know why i did that what’s up, welcome back uh today’s a very special day, because i’m going to be showing you something that i’ve been working on for almost a year and it’s in this briefcase right here here we go. Somebody left a light in here. That’S not what i wanted to show you here. It is first playing cards. Holo edition, [ Music ] uh been working a really long time with united states playing card company for this deck very stoked about its release.

On december 1st, not only that we are also releasing a collection of clothing that we’ve also been working very hard on uh. This is probably you know, i’m biased. This is the best merch any youtubers ever put out period period. This stuff’s great quality is awesome. It looks dope can’t wait to show you.

The entire collection also check out the inside of this box. Here. Look at that! How cool is that? Isn’T that dope, i’m going to show you guys a back design, maybe on the next video?

Actually, if this video gets 15 000 likes, i will reveal the back design to you. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed at all. If you guys want to help support this channel help support what we do here. If you enjoy the content, obviously the content’s always free and that’s totally cool drop. A like subscribe, always appreciate it, but if you want to go a step further own, a cool deck of cards or even some cool clothing check us out at first.

hop december 1st. At noon to cop your new first merch, okay, let’s get into the video yo, what’s up again uh welcome back uh! Today we are looking at a really dope puzzle by the creator known as garrett matthias mathias this guy’s. A new creator of puzzles uh reached out to me, asked me if he could send me a puzzle to which i always respond. Of course, there’s no guarantee that i’ll solve them on camera, but i always leave my p.

box in the description for such an occasion and uh. This one looks great: it’s made of brass, very simple: two-part component got ta, pull them apart and uh. You know i’ve been doing a lot of really extravagant puzzles lately, these big giant escape room type puzzles and it feels good to just come back and do something simple and to present you something possibly even affordable, anyways uh without any further ado. Let’S just get into solving this puzzle: [ Music ]! Here we are uh before we open this puzzle.

Let’S have a look here. A little wax sealed envelope always enjoy a good wax seal hourglass design and manufactured by garrett. Matthias matthias separate the two halves of the puzzle, no force or prying is needed once solved. Halves will come apart with these, like this simple reminds me a lot of felix yours, work and here’s the letter. I want to thank you for all your videos and everything you do for the puzzle community.

I very much enjoyed watching your videos over the past year or so please don’t feel the need to post a youtube video about this puzzle. If you don’t want to, i have a lot of respect for you, and your input on the puzzle is just as good to me. I got into puzzles after i went to an escape room for the first time and was very much intrigued and intrigued by the mysteriousness of the solution and curiosity. It gave me because escape rooms and puzzles share the same space i found out about these cleverly designed puzzles on youtube. While i was looking for escape rooms, oddly enough youtube led me to you after i was looking up escape rooms, the videos you shared solving these amazing puzzles immediately got me hooked.

I wanted to see how they work and what kind of work went into them. This is my first attempt at puzzle making after two failed attempts at making puzzles. I decided to move forward with this one. This puzzle is allowing me to get a better feel for the community while making a simple puzzle that is affordable at least a little more affordable than others. Although it’s not as inexpensive as hanayama puzzles, which i have a great deal of respect for.

Not only are hanayama puzzles extremely creative, but they have found a way to easily make them which makes them affordable for almost anyone to me trying to find the right manufacturing solution is just as fun as trying to create the puzzle. This is my goal: design, creative but simple, looking puzzles while making them affordable, so more people can enjoy them. Thank you. So much for your time and input garrett. Here’S his instagram mojo.

fg youtube, mojo mfg website, i’ll leave his website below. If you guys want to check out his instagram go for it uh, so here it is [ Music ]! So again reminds me a lot of uh felix years puzzle as it is. This sort of brass colored object quite heavy and a nice little paper weight.

There is some movement on the inside. You can hear [ Music ] this rotates and that’s all we got to go on [, Music, ]. So sorry about that all right, let’s get into solving it! [ Music! ]!

I can hear something turning on the inside here. Right there like a pin: okay, [, Music, ], [, Music ]; this thing spins pretty freely: [ Music, ], [, Music ]. So i here’s my uh here’s my assessment on this right now. I feel as though there is at least one pin and or two or three or four uh this. This puzzle can’t be spun to be opened because i think the pins are on the outside, preventing this from opening.

If that makes any sense, so they have to be retracted into the center, so by spinning it you’re actually propelling them outwards, which would then block whatever’s whatever’s holding the pins so um. I think it’s a matter of finding what orientation the pins are at and then gently, maybe jiggling them towards the middle. If that makes any sense. [ Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music, ], easier said than done. Obviously you can hear them.

[ Music ] hear them rolling around in there [ Music ] do [ Music ] do [ Music ] do [ Music, ], [, Music, ] [, Music ]. If i pull the two sides, the pins stop moving, so there you have to imagine the pins being in one of these halves on the outside and there’s probably a cylinder that goes down with a ripple that is holding those pins as they are protruding uh, which Means they can’t move around once these are pulled apart, but if you push them together now we’re hearing the pins move around, so any movement that happens needs to happen um, while the pins are able to move. Oh there you have it, that’s pretty much exactly what i thought was going on, which is a fun surprise, two pins, indeed in the cylinder that i was talking about, which goes into uh whatever’s holding them. So this is. This is kind of cool.

That’S exactly what i thought it would be uh. So here the pin goes here and this can be kind of tricky because here’s what’s going on inside the puzzle right as i’m moving it, you got to find the right spot, because otherwise, even if it’s just a little bit protruded, it will prevent it from being Taken apart, so these pins here in opposite directions, are, are flowing like this basically and that they are getting caught in you can see inside this cylinder. There are these little notches of rings, which means when they’re pulled apart. Those pins are stuck and then the pins can no longer be retracted, so very simple puzzle. Indeed uh i don’t hate it.

I think it’s great, i think simplicity is uh, is often very elegant and fun to toy around with, and you know the fact that i i don’t know what these retail for i’m gon na have a look right now: 48, which is actually pretty affordable. When you think about it, like a lot of these type of brass puzzles, will go for like upwards of a hundred hundred and twenty hundred fifty dollars, so that is actually very affordable and quite pretty now, however, sometimes for puzzles you’re not only paying for the materials. But you’re also paying for the solution, a puzzle that would take you a lot longer like a sequential discovery puzzle. Those usually go for more because there’s a lot more work involved into making it happen, so not just the actual um metals and fabrication itself. But a lot of the r d, the research and development, the prototyping and that type of thing, and that’s why you’re paying more for those more intricate puzzles?

But that being said, simple puzzles are fun as well and, like he mentioned hanayama. Does this on a regular basis, produces these really simple, simple, yet intricate puzzles that uh that are able to be retailed for a lot less so there you have it. I guess doing this would probably lock it all up. Uh very dope puzzle very simple: the hourglass i’ll leave the link below where you guys can check that out. Well, hot dang solved 10 minutes, easy uh, hey that was a cool puzzle, super simple, affordable!

If you guys want to check it out. I left his link in the description also remember if this video gets 15 000 likes, we’ll show you the back design of the next first deck, which i’m super freaking hyped about. If you guys aren’t hyped about this deck, i don’t want to do anymore. I’Ve been doing it all wrong all along, but i don’t think i’m wrong. I don’t think you think i’m wrong we’ll see on the next video

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