This is The GREATEST Card Master of All Time!!

This is The GREATEST Card Master of All Time!!

This is The GREATEST Card Master of All Time!!

This is more of a psychological experiment than it is a trick, but it works and there’s a lot of thought behind why this works. I’M just going to show you the the trick and then let me know in the comments. If it did work, there are five cards here. Can you see those five cards quite clearly perfect? I want you to choose one of these cards and take your time.

You can even change your mind if you’d like, if you don’t like the one you want uh. Just change your mind and think of one card. You got it. Okay, I know which card you chose y’all better subscribe. If I got this four hearts, pretty crazy huh I mean it’s five cards, it’s one in five, which is not crazy odds but uh.

There is some psychology behind it, which is pretty cool. It’S an old Force by uh die Vernon or, as he’s known to magicians as the professor. It’S really interesting because you won’t go for the King of Hearts, because it’s the only face card. You won’t go for the seven of clubs, because it’s the only black card. You won’t go for the nine of diamonds because it is the first card and you won’t go for the ace of diamonds, because it’s the ace and also the nine of diamonds they considered to be unlucky back then, so you just wouldn’t choose it, and so the Four hearts in that sort of fourth position was your only remaining option works more often than not you’d be surprised.

You can go. Try it out. Welcome to today’s video I’ve enjoyed making these commentary videos about magicians that I respect, admire and look up to, and today is no exception. Today, we’re going to be looking at the card magic of none other than Juan Damaris Juan Tamaris is a Spanish Card Master. He is known as El Maestro.

He is known as literally the best card Magician of our era period he’s all also taught Danny diorties. You know we looked at that video at Penn and Teller fools, and that was incredible. So I thought we’d take a look at some of the work that inspired Danny D, Ortiz and so many other magicians alike, including myself. This is Juan’s book right here which uh, if you, if you were into delving into some, really insane card magic trust me. It does take a lot of work, guys check it out I’ll.

Let you guys go find the book for yourselves. That being said, without any further Ado like this video subscribe and let’s get into watching, some of these clips got a new phone by the way. My last one was cracked, so many of you are like phone’s cracked. I know we’re gon na start by watching just something simple he did on this talk show this was 1989 right, which is like what 30 almost what 32 years ago 33 years ago. That’S a long time I’ll tell you I’ll, tell you right off.

The bat like Juan is uh. You know, if you’re, if you’re thinking, you’re gon na look at some Suave Debonair Spanish magician. This is not the case. When you see one, he looks like a crazier version of Willy Wonka, it is insane, but it all plays out in his favor during his magic because he is reliant on nothing else except human interaction and obviously his skills, which we’ll see right now. This is 1989 Can you help me please?

Yes, thank you very much. The thing is the most the fastest Carthage in the world fastest Catholic in the world. Right I’m going to do something special with the car is something like this too. This is the No No it’s the man. That’S the matter from time to time.

No, that is the problem. Can you can you shuffle a little it’s enough? Thank you very much now I started okay. Now the car is in the middle, except in the middle. I pulled the car.

I make something special with my my hand as fast as lying in my mind as fast as Siberian tortoise. I mean something like this and tell me the truth is the card you saw. I have no idea, I suffered the dead and please can you touch any car. Please now one of the uh okay, this one and can you see the car? Do you remember the car and now every nobody here can now they’re carrying myself?

I cannot now. What is the the car? Okay and no? This is a little help. I need you now doesn’t matter.

The important thing is in the middle, except in the middle. I make something like this. I make something special and it’s necessarily every people here at the studio please at home. Also, please do you remember the guy you sing at the car, please, okay! No, why don’t show the cattle people I would have done?

No only you see the cat no, but but you no, no! No! No! No! I didn’t know selfish to everybody.

Okay, I started again. I love that he’s just being himself to everybody. Please one car one car and now, with my hands civilian tortoise, the the man saw to you. No is this one? No is this one still has it back again, just a quick pause, um, it’s so much like okay.

First of all, I come in this video. I’M like the greatest card, magician you’ve ever seen and he hasn’t done a card trick. Yet I understand that, but I think what he’s doing is intentional. Obviously, what he’s doing is intentional, but he knows what he’s doing uh he’s getting them on his side. He’S acting a fool just creating that contrast.

Once again, we’ve spoken about this contrast with Danny: do Ortiz he’s creating a chaotic environment. Things are happening, sort of randomly and out of order, and eventually I feel like you just let go and you submit to whatever this character is and whatever. This is because you know you’re chasing and sorry if this is a little lengthy but you’re chasing the rabbit down the hole when you look at a magic trick for lack of a better term. But you are essentially looking for how things are done right and and every little step you’re like you’re, keeping track of the steps, you’re keeping track of how he’s shuffling what he’s saying and all this and all this and all this, and and eventually you start to Realize that none of that matters that you’re chasing all of that you’re live the rabbit, wasn’t even real, like he’s just making you chase this fictional rabbit and it leads you nowhere. So what do you do?

Will you stop chasing it? You stop looking for it and you let yourself succumb to whatever is going to happen and when he gets you in that state, that’s when your mind starts to get melted. So let’s keep watching. Oh this! Okay, now that he’s established that and they’re like we’re, gon na stop chasing the rabbit, I’m going to do a special thing.

It’S very important! You help me. Please, can you help me? How do you say when you push the car like this and you put the car like it’s a shuffle Shuffle it makes it okay, and can you help me, please you you push the car like this yourself yourself. It’S a very nice time!

Well, well, shuffled there! Okay, and can you take all the card like this okay, and can you put inside this empty place, please all the deck, I don’t touch the deck. Okay, you Shuffle the deck you put inside and with this the same thing, can you shuffle please a little one and now the important thing? That’S fine! Yes, no problem, no problem, no problem, and now with four cards of this, for instance, I take the ace four six and and four, but there are two blacks and two red card: okay, two red and two black and now look.

If I take one of them, for instance, I take the red one, but it’s not the ace yeah, it’s not this. This is at the bottom. You know nice. Then the ace is now here. You remember.

Where is this? It’S very easy right! Yeah! Okay, if I make something like this, what is this don’t bet never with a magician because they are the black car. There is okay.

Can you can you close the the yeah the case? Please and you put there please here: okay, okay, I don’t touch that. Okay and you remember you Shuffle the deck and now you are going to help me, but but it’s very interesting: every people, every everybody at home now that you and me are not Confederate. You are not confident that they’re not Confederate it’s necessary. You believe I I don’t talk with you about this last year that everyone understands that there’s no funny business going on it’s very important and now – and now please this is you, are you are dead Shuffle deck, and this is your Shuffle day I put the deck Like this, can you tell me please any number between 1 and 52, because in this deck there there are 52 cars.

Tell me any one of them: one entry between one and 52 Seven saving, yes, saving something wrong. No, you like yeah, seven but 10 is so nice. Oh seven! Seven! Do you prefer seven yeah?

I want seven. Ah, what in Spanish? I am Spanish. Seven means seven is, ladies! Yes, you don’t prefer 52, no 31, no seven before we go any further.

I I hate stopping the trick right here, but it’s a good moment to stop um. It’S such a nice subtlety that most magicians don’t pick up on if you’re a magician out there studying. If you enforce another Choice, The Spectator will always refuse it uh. If you leave it open-ended a little too much, they will take it. But if you enforce another Choice, uh just like kind of he did she’s like seven he’s like oh, but the ten is nice.

Uh most people won’t go, find ten. Nobody will say that and then he’ll say something like. Are you sure, seven and they’ll go yes, I’m sure, and now they’re now they’ve committed and now you can just be like well there’s this there’s that and all you’re doing is just making it look more impossible that she could have changed her mind. So nice little subtlety there, okay and now I’m going and she really could have changed her mind. I thought they can like this like this and please I’m going to pass my finger.

Can you see me stop yeah, but here yep here this guy yeah you can you don’t prefer the eight of no Ace of Spades yep I put the face up card, then you can see. I don’t change the car. Yeah then remember, you are not Confederate. You say: seven, not 22, no. 31, 7.

And the Ace of Spades, I will try to put the Ace of Spades in your shuffled deck at the seventh position and now, if I touch perhaps how long you after you say, look for the Ace of spacing so quickly with the skill put one two. Zero number, seven! No! No! No!

No! No! No! No! No!

No! No! No! No! No!

No! No! No! Please can you take, say yourself: they open! Please!

Okay, can you take all the deck? Do you remember you Shuffle the deck? I don’t touch it so great and please can you put in your hand, can you return the face of the car one, two, three, four, five six! This is the seventh. As you remember, at the beginning, you Shuffle the deck after you put in the cage.

You say seven note, twenty one. No, no! You say this one car, this car, you are not confederated at all, but the seventh car, I believe in your magic. Can you turn over here, please, the seventh pair, I believe, yeah. This is Juan Tamaris.

What a great introduction there are so many things to learn there, if you’re, getting into magic or or have been into card magic and are looking to just uh, improve what it is. You do and improve those reactions and those connections, uh, there’s so many. So many things to take away from a performance like this, and I would say one of the main components is the implantation of memory engineering of a memory, and this is something magicians do a lot. Even some magicians do without even knowing they’re doing it. But it’s really important, because memory can be altered and all that matters is your memory of something.

So if something’s done in a way, but your memory remembers it another way, then the reality of that thing has changed. You’Ve changed reality because from everyone else, everyone’s perspective, that is the reality. So therefore, you’ve altered the reality. If that makes any sense and memory can be changed, especially when things are being thrown around chaotically and you’re, not too sure, as I mentioned, what you need to hold on to and what you need to, let go of and when a magician tells you bad doesn’t Matter, well, we all know it probably does matter, but in the moment when a magician tells you doesn’t matter your brain’s like okay, it doesn’t matter what uh. What am I following?

What does matter, and so there are certain subtleties like uh, even at the end, towards the end, when he goes, you know he’s like all right. I’M gon na put it in this position and then he goes to gravity slaps his own hand. He says no, because if I did that you would think I’m in on it and he’s playing this sort of character. But all that does is now create this illusion in your mind that he has never touched the cards when indeed uh he sort of has at the very beginning and uh and then again, once again when he’s like all right, recapping, you’ve shuffled the deck you’ve done. This you’ve done that and then you know you think yourself.

Did he really, though, as a magician, but if you’re there and you’re watching at home you’re like yeah, he shuffled you know, you’d have to watch it again to realize um. You know some of the things he’s done, but that implantation of false memory or that engineering of events is extremely extremely valuable to a magician uh. There’S a book, I’ve believed by Darren Brown. I think it’s tricks of the Mind where he goes over a coin routine and all of the sort of steps into Vanishing a coin from a table which at first seemed pretty simple, but the end are actually layered in a very intentional and purposeful uh series of Events to make it so that the spectator remembers something differently and and not only remember something differently. Remember seeing something differently.

How crazy is that you can alter someone’s memory of them, seeing something to where they now see. Remember seeing something else: it’s not only events that happened or what someone said, but what you actually saw with your eyes, and you can do that as a magician and that is so powerful, so um a lot of these little subtleties between the cracks when watching magic Performances will fly over most magicians heads and will fly over, obviously all non-magicians heads, but to magicians who’ve been practicing for a long time. You notice these things, and you know that this is real. These. These are real things that you can do so just really interesting to keep your eye out on that from now on in let’s go see if we can find another one of these videos.

Do you want to know the note for your next year? Come a little closer you saying like this yeah I am going to put like this. I’M going to shuffle a little bit more and it’s important you look, the I feel really suffered. Yes, really really suffering. Yes, it’s important, and now I’m going to ask you to put to point Forger three months: it’s really four cards one for every season, one for here, one for here and one over here.

Yeah if the car are black, is bad luck! It’S red! Good luck! Okay! Okay, I put one one from this part this one okay, one for this part this this is done yes and one for this part safe.

It’S important, nobody see the car. Yes, in this condition you you can touch this or this or this or this or this, but you touch this okay, okay, poker blacker is no good. Red car is good. If two car black is good enough. Can you turn over here black only one three more?

This is the last moment of the jail. It’S like it’s only one. It’S all right, foreign yeah. Well, there are small numbers, small numbers, but anyway, before we go on this is such an entertaining routine because it feels like a tarot reading, almost right which people are into people love. The idea of you know these cards being shuffled, and then they mean something in your life and regardless.

If this is a trick or not, this is entertaining because if you can hold court and just be like this is an actual thing, these are the Four Seasons. You pick Red’s bat Reds, good luck, Black’s! Bad luck! Already! He’S set up this sort of game that has rules that make sense so you’re very invested, and if there’s, if there is a trick to be had here, then so be it.

But it could also just be luck, which is fun right. Yes, see. Okay, third, one sure is red: seven seven. Well, I am going to tell you something: if only one is that: okay, okay, okay, hey I’m the king anyway, I am very happy to see you with good health and we got love forehead. No.

But I’m going to tell you something I know to put some people in this country. Ah I’m going to make like this and every carry away foreign come on again, there’s uh! There’S this setting up of expectation. You know as a spectator watching that I he turns over the first card. First of all, everything did feel random.

It did feel like it was her complete free choice, the entire time nothing felt like a force other than the sections which uh you know he had to do for the trick when that first card turned over and it was black in my head, I’m like I Already know where this routine’s going they’re all going to be black right uh. He is a magician. After all, this isn’t a random person, but there’s still a doubt my mind, maybe that oh, it’s gon na be uh black red, black, red or, and the next one was black. And now I’m like they’re all going to be black. Now I’m convinced it doesn’t change the comedy of the ACT uh it makes it stronger as it goes on, which is hilarious.

You know in your head: it’s just a 50 50 at first as it goes on as it compounds it becomes uh less and less likely that they’re going to be black. That’S just the way. That’S just the way math works, so it does get slightly more impossible. Every single time it’s like flipping, flipping heads or tails and flipping heads four times in a row, it’s just less and less likely, but part of that part of the equation that isn’t factored in is that this has to work as a magician. This has to work.

There has to be this outcome. It has to be only black hearts. So that’s when your mind starts thinking. Well, what the hell, how are the cards arranged like what? How did she know like when she went back and forth?

She went to the middle, she went to all these different places, huh, and so I’m thinking about that the entire time and then, of course, at the end, when he’s got all four, he changes them into four red cards again, just sort of concretizing. That idea that it had to be black and it had to be red, there was no other outcome and uh it’s just a fantastic routine. What a simple yet still mind-bogglingly good routine love that very much sometimes simple. Things like this are better than something hyper impossible. Like in any card to any number or whatever, it is because sometimes it’s only supported by a story, and this story here is very simple: the rules were laid out, there’s four seasons: black is bad luck, red is good luck, and here we go and now you’ve Got this little banter and patter going on during this, that you can add to and take away from, it’s really structurally simple and yet elegantly executed to where it never didn’t feel like a game, but it also felt impossible.

I don’t know the starting of that is a way. I I think you like it. I started. I give you some money all day, long good good, and this is for you also yeah, and this is for me okay. This is for me and because this is a betting trick, betting game betting game, then I am going to take some car.

For instance, I take the three a queen and uh and another thing: it’s okay, thicker only thicker. This is not interesting. It’S like a three card money. Only three thing: what is your name? Okay, look at this.

The important car is the queen of uh Diamond the red one. Finally, I think I’m going to bed with you, I bet some money with you. Can you put some money? Some money, don’t worry if you lost, because it’s my my mind. Okay, then remember.

Nothing in the hand is very important. Nothing in the hand knows leave no, no, nothing like this. I take one car one car here, one black, the other black in on top. I put the Queen the queen, in which card you bet. Let’S remember it’s here for the red one in which casual bed, where is the red one yeah on top here on top?

Are you sure you bet in the in top? Yes, yes, of course, it’s very easy knowing this knowing this, but in top. Yes, thank you very much indeed, because she’s here and I win the money and I’m very happy. Now everybody put some money, some money. You can put some money, some money, okay and now, this time very, very, very slowly, very slowly, slow motion.

I am going to do no, no, no! No! No! No, look! Look at this.

I saw you. I show you it’s in the middle in the middle this time, in the Middle, where is the queen in the middle? You can? You can feel if you like, you can feel and look at this very very slowly. I pushed shut up in Spanish.

Also, where is the lady non-talk? You don’t know no in in this one, oh in this one in this one like this. No so clever man, but not so clever, because he’s very relaxing. If I win always you hate me, no hmm! Why?

No! No! No! The good thing is you or you win one of you. Then you are going to bed you with you that this time I I don’t bet, no you and you then one of you are going to to wait.

Wait then only with two cars, not the car, only with the queen and the black three times. The first time is not important. Second time is not important step. Time is the important third time. I ask her.

That’S okay. Look look the queen queen here, if I may like this where’s the queen on the bottom very good, but it’s not important. It’S the first time the sense that time is important if you win half and half for me, okay, because it’s very difficult, okay, look, remember! Second time, where is the queen still on the bottom, so clear that it’s so clever, then no half and half 70 and 30 Okay, because, first time this is the important time look at this daily look at this look at this, the Queen, the Queen, the Queen, the queen very difficult. Now, no, what do you think?

What do you think on top this one, this one for you? What if it is the water bad for you, water pity, also because let’s go uh, what’s beautiful about this routine? Is that a well? The rules are again very simple and all of the moves that he did were very transparent. In fact, he made a point to make those moves overtly not and not hide them, whereas a magician would normally pull off uh some skillful, double, lift or or something of that nature.

Uh that might confuse the audience and the audience might be like well does he want me to guess here? Does he want me to guess there? It was very clear here that he was uh being comedic, but in that sloppy comedy nature. Once again, the contrast is created to where you know, there’s a there’s, a greater impossibility, uh. The second thing I want to mention was the use of the money, because the money inherently had, I thought, was going to be brought in as another decoy or a prop or something, and it was used slightly as a prop, because the dollar was put over the Last card in the Final Phase – and I think if that card was just sitting there – it would be a little weird.

So I do think that. But I also like the idea of just having the money be some type of toy or object that the audience can interact with now, they’re touching things they’re, making it a game, they’re betting, it’s chaotic, it’s fun and everybody gets to have a piece and you feel Like you have money for a second, and that’s nice too, and so all of these things are really really delightful, just something to pay attention to it. Look at this at this in this position here right here, the four blue Karthik. Why is the name? Because there are, of course, four blue car, but if I make something like this, one car is face up the five another car is face up, the third car is face up and the fourth car is.

But if I make a game, something happened, they say Jack. Now, if I make something like this, it’s a jacket. If I make something like this, it’s another job. If I make something like this, but asking me it’s possible, no, with Jackal fights with the joker. No, it’s not possible.

I don’t do then. In the other side, the other side is the four blue cutting like. I can see red semi, no, no red. No, I can see there’s no flowers. What do you see?

I don’t know what the hell is happening. Excuse me it’s impossible. That is incredible. All right! I think that’s enough magic for me today.

These are only a few examples of why want Tamaris is the Maestro El Maestro of card magic uh? I could watch him all day and I think I will – and I think I will gather some more videos if uh. Let’S say if this video gets like 15 000 likes, let’s put it there, 15 000 likes and we’ll get another wonton race, video, I’d, I’d, love to man. I’D love to meet this guy. I’Ve never met him in real life.

But what a joy to watch and the amount of knowledge that he’s imparted on magicians and artists for that matter is really really valuable and he’s someone we should cherish and protect. I highly encourage you guys to look them up if you’re into card magic, um you, you should not be learning card magic if you don’t know about this guy, just what a treat. What a pleasure guys! I want to thank you for watching. If you do enjoy this type of commentary on Magic videos and from my perspective as a magician, I I mean just just let me know I do enjoy this a lot and I think I I think I hope I’m bringing some type of value to the content.

That I’m showing and not just sort of reacting to it mouth the gape but actually uh. You know maybe helping you guys out on your own Journey, but regardless thanks for watching guys, we’ll see on the next video peace out.


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