Magician uses Science to explain Magic Tricks!!

Magician uses Science to explain Magic Tricks!!

Magician uses Science to explain Magic Tricks!!

How’S that mike look do you think they can see it. I don’t think so and welcome back okay, i’m today, i’m gon na demystify some of the world’s craziest magic tricks by using science. This here check this out fun science of magic fun with the science of magic. This is a magic kit, themed around science for children uh, but i am a grown child, so i thought i’d toy with it too, because there are some interesting principles in this science magic kit. So they not only show you how to do them, but they explain the science behind it and i thought it’d be really cool.

If you guys want to check out this kit, i left the link below uh. This isn’t a sponsored post or anything. I just thought this was really dope. Maybe we can help him out and sell some some of his copies for him. I don’t know, but that’s not why we’re here we’re here.

Why are we here? Okay, so there are a few principles we’re going to be going over, but before we get into that, i just want to say i’m going on a magic tour. What do you get when you mix four best friends who are also magicians? You get the big trick. Energy live tour no way.

My name is chris ramsay, and these are my best friends. We are for magicians who love using our skills to mess with people now, especially each other we’re coming out of the tv and showing up on a stage near you. That’S crazy, holy [, __ ] shut the door, the big trick. Energy live tour, get your tickets! Now we’ll see you at the theater [ Music ].

I left a link below where you can purchase tickets. For now we’re only touring, canada. We don’t have visas, so we can’t actually go to the united states, so we have four dates: pretty big deal for us and if you want to come see us and you’re in the area, definitely check out the link below now. That’S done. Let’S get into some magic for my first trick, i’m going to uh freeze my hands using nothing, but my breath now have a look in this bucket there’s.

Can you see anything in that bucket? Is there anything in there except water? No nothing ice! Cubes zoom, in on that ice cubes i made the water cold. Those aren’t really ice, cubes, okay, the the cat’s out of the bag.

This is actually a really cool principle, so you can’t really see anything here, but when i reach in you can see these little ice, cubes and they’re, actually not iced they’re actually gelatin, but you can’t really see that it’s very bizarre they’re not cold at all, but They disappear as soon as it hits the water by means of refraction. So basically, what’s going on here is that last night i purchased some meth just kidding. This is uh. These are little tiny, crystals all right, and these tiny little crystals uh are not drugs. They are i’ll give you the exact name, actually can’t commit that to memory hold on hydroxyethyl, methyl hydroxyethylmethacrylate, crystals, hydroxyethylmethacrylate crystals, and what they are.

Basically, is these little crystals that expand into gelatin, but the index of refraction, which means the index at which they refract is the exact same as water, so they grow. They expand in this bin of water and then, as you can see, they’re completely invisible. You can’t see them because the refraction is the same uh, but now, as i take them out, you can kind of see them here and watch them disappear. Watch ready. It’S like you see a few bubbles like stirring around in there.

Those are the actual crystals. Isn’T that crazy? That’S pretty crazy cool principle, so that uses the principle of refraction something that uh. I know a lot of magic tricks use uh, but let’s get that out of the way and let’s look at the next one. This is the appearing cane or the appearing wand, actually pretty dope a piece of paper that is just kind of rolled up, there’s a very large potential and then, when you let it go it kind of flings into action.

Rolling it up with wet hands is a little tricky but same principle as any appearing cane. Really so that’s pretty cool you get that it looks like a solid object too. We got a few things here. This is one of my favorite things. Can i get this coat off this one this?

This is one of my favorite illusions this here we have this uh, this sort of straw, this this little tiny, pole, uh and it is actually pinned. Let me go in here, so you can see that properly. It is actually pinned in here, okay – and this is a solid pin, i’m going to take it and i’m going to push i’m going to push this through this metal rod here get ready one two three, and it goes all the way through. How crazy is that? Let’S do it again, one two: three, that’s pretty nuts, i’m looking at lee’s face right now and he has no idea what’s happening.

It goes right through now, you’re, probably thinking to yourself well you’re like snapping it open and closed, and i assure you i’m not because that would you know that would i would have to open it from here and that’s quite impossible. What’S actually happening is one of the oldest principles in magic. The hand is quicker than the eye. What what’s actually happening is i’m putting so much pressure on this and it is flipping around, but you can’t see it if it is slow. You would see it start to flip around, but fast you don’t see it happen at all one two, three!

Oh, it really looks like it’s going through such a cool little principle. You get that as well. Hey lee we’re gon na do a we’re gon na do an eye test with you we’re gon na test your eyes. I know your eyes are terrible, but i think only one of your eyes is really terrible, close one of your eyes all right and that what does that say, ice box and if i put that in front of it it still says icebox all right. Now close your other eye all right this time.

I think this is the eye. That’S faulty uh. What does that say? Apples, that’s right! How about net?

Is it upside down? Yeah, it’s upside down! Now, yeah you have an upside down eye lee yeah! You have an upside down eye. You should really get that uh looked at, so lea has an upside down eye is what we figured out here today.

That’S the official consensus, his eyes upside down, uh, there’s no magic to that. Really he just should go to the doctor, uh there’s no magic trick at all. That was just something i really had to share with lee to test his eyesight. Just kidding don’t go to the doctor. This uses a really interesting principle of another form of refraction.

Okay, basically, this is going to make everything upside down. Everything goes upside down with this okay see the apples are upside down, except the word icebox is the same. Every single letter is symmetrical the i the c, the e to b the o the x. So this is actually being flipped upside down letter for letter. However, it’s the same upside down, so you probably should still go to the doctor check your eyes out, but not for this reason: okay, ooh.

This is cool all right. Lee uh we’re gon na test. Your reflexes here, okay, okay, so hold this yeah, and i want you to drop this through with the same hand, you’re gon na catch it with okay, okay, oh you do it do it again! Oh it’s still coming! Oh damn!

I did it wrong. You’Re supposed to take this one, this one drops right through uh yeah and i was gon na switch it out, but that didn’t work. So here’s another cool thing: okay, you can take your seat thanks for ruining the trick. So basically, one of these falls straight through, but this one zoom in this one’s an actual magnet, the other one was just made of brass, and the weight of the magnet is stronger than the force that it is attracted to the sides of the tube with. If that makes sense, so basically the weight is slowly.

You can see it here, boom, slowly traveling through now, science or not or magic or whatever it is. That is sorcery, and that looks really pretty damn cool very satisfying to look at. So if you can switch them out successfully uh like i was going to before lee ruined the trick um it would, it would have been a pretty cool trick. All right we’ll get him back. Folks we’ll bring my brother in for this one this here, let me get rid of my bag of crystal meth.

This here is a reflex game, come here manu and we’re going to take a bean and we’re going to sit the bean atop that now the goal here is to strike the sphere the circle so fast that the beam drops straight down into the bottle. I will just hold this just so it doesn’t go flying and that’s the only reason this string is here by the way uh so go ahead, so you have to strike the black thing. Yeah that falls down exactly straight down. You see how it bounced up. Let me try so how much do we want to bet here?

What’S the bet, looking like lunch, all right, all about lunch, balancing a bean isn’t as easy as it looks, ladies and gentlemen, drumroll, please, here we go damn it. I guess i’ll eat lunch all right. Let’S do it one more time, we’ll probably cut that whole part out and i can get a free lunch here hold on that’s the spot, yeah! Yes, let’s go so the trick here. Is science next trick, uh, basically what’s happening.

If you strike the outside of it, you’re, actually creating a bend, a slight bend in this sort of circle right and that bend is going to propel the beam upwards because uh. And then, if you strike the inside, it’s actually going to sort of bend like that which allows the beam to fall straight through there you go, and that is how you lose lunch money. Okay, we got a shot glass here filled with water, and i’m going to show you a little science trick here. This is actually kind of cool. This is just basically a trick about air pressure check that out now that looks like a dope uh science trick, and that is a really dope magic trick.

Follow me over here until i snap my fingers boom crazy designs are magic or both uh how this works. It’S uh kind of like a water suspension trick. Basically, you get this little piece of plastic here. Yeah, it’s a little transparent piece of plastic. Air pressure is 15 pounds per square inch.

Okay, that’s the amount of air pressure that exists around us 15 pounds per square inch. The weight of the water in this shooter is less than the pounds per square inch that is being pressed upon this piece of plastic, so the air pressure on the outside is actually greater than the water pressure on the inside, which allows this to sort of levitate And then obviously just moving it with your finger would have a drop and the water would fall out. That is water, suspension very cool. I could actually move on to a different water suspension here. Alright, we got a little bit of water here, barely any, but here’s what we’re going to try, try block that hole.

Look at the straw, it’s on the inside okay, that was an absolute disaster. Uh, here’s the thing: here’s i’m gon na show you the thing zoom in here’s the thing it is a small, clear, plastic disc, with a hole in the middle and that basically, normally i’ve seen better game mix. To be honest, but normally this would suspend a bottle of water upside down. Here’S. The really cool part is that this doesn’t necessarily just work with the air pressure.

This trick actually works with surface tension, so all basically water has uh a tension, which is why you know tiny insects can land on water because they’re not heavy enough to break that surface tension, and so the air is not with the hole given. Here is not strong enough to you know, break that surface tension, so this holds on to that using um using the air pressure and then the surface tension is kind of holding that hole closed. But then you can take small items like a straw and poke it through, which is really crazy. Whenever you’re done with it, you just squeeze the bottle or shake it or whatever and that’ll fall away. So that is the other water suspension.

Now i got ta clean. It up all right, ladies and gentlemen, so those are some tricks that you’ll find in this magic kit there’s a whole bunch more, but it is fun for children to learn about physics and chemistry and science and all this fun stuff and then incorporate it into magic. So i thought it’d be a nice little treat for you guys and if something you want to pick up and if not hey at least you learned a thing or two about either science or magic or you learn nothing at all and all you did was leave A like, ah thanks for watching like subscribe, comment, be cool. I don’t know, see ya. Bye,

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