Hornady “Rapid Safe” Keypad Lockbox

[1523] Hornady “Rapid Safe” Keypad Lockbox

Hornady “Rapid Safe” Keypad Lockbox

As a security professional, avid shooter, and father, I understand the importance of firearm security devices. The Hornady Rapid Safe Keypad Lockbox is a popular product designed to store and quickly access handguns, ammunition, and other valuables. In this review, we’ll examine the features and potential vulnerabilities of this keypad vault.

The Hornady Rapid Safe Keypad Lockbox is considerably more robust than many of its competitors, weighing in at roughly 13 pounds. It offers quick access features, such as an RFID reader and a four-button keypad, providing a convenient and secure way to access your firearms and valuables.

However, the mechanical backup cylinder raises concerns. This tubular design has been known to be vulnerable to low-skill attacks for about 40 years. It’s important to note that while Hornady is a well-respected company, their expertise lies in making ammunition, not security products.

To test the lockbox’s security, I used a covert instruments tubular lock impressioning tool. In just a few seconds of turning the tool back and forth, the lock was opened. This vulnerability is not a new discovery and should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with security devices. Unfortunately, the message about the weaknesses of such designs needs to be repeated often.

In conclusion, the Hornady Rapid Safe Keypad Lockbox offers a convenient and seemingly secure way to store firearms and valuables. However, its mechanical backup cylinder may leave it vulnerable to low-skill attacks. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Remember to subscribe for more content like this, and as always, have a nice day.


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